
Death tarot Card and Health

Death tarot card Rider Waite

The Death tarot card and health issues. In a question about health topic, there are three dimensions; Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. Therefore, these three perspectives are used as a framework to interpret the meaning of the card. More so, when a Major Arcana card is concerned, the imbalance, will most likely be in the third category. The tarot will not tell the exact ailment, you MUST consult a doctor, but it will indicate what kind of energy is at play here.

The Upper Arcana provides important information for your spiritual growth. In a lifetime you experience several cycles of growth. A Major Arcana card in a question on health indicates that health issues has an important impact on the current cycle. However, you must interpret the card in respect of other cards in the spread. Whether positive of negative, the card must be interpreted carefully. Remember, success may even come in the form of failure when it means getting you closer to your true purpose.

Death tarot card and general health issues

Although it may signify death in certain circumstances, this qualification must be taken with subtlety. The kind of death which is contemplated here is more figurative. For example, a drug addict radically changing his/her lifestyle. The main point to bear in mind is that the change occurring is outside your control and is inevitable.

Death tarot card and health Upright. The oracle here is pretty straight forward. Radically change for the better or face the consequences. Our perception of what is healthy lifestyle is very much dictated by social and moral norms. Most of our ailments are direct results of our life style. Unfortunately, the information available to make an informed opinion is mostly biased. Death tarot card here indicates that what we thought was good for our health is not or is no longer suitable. Thus, the opportunity to incorporate radical change in our lifestyle, with the promise of a renewed vitality.

Death tarot card and health Reversed. Endings and beginnings is the key theme of Death tarot card. However, most of the time people get stuck in the endings. Thus, in reverse position the card indicates a period of moving from one ailment to the next. Therefore, maintaining the status quo may well give this card its literal meaning. Furthermore, be careful if the card is accompanied by the Knight of Swords.

Death tarot card and physical health

In the upright position it signifies transformation. This transformation in physical health is not a result of your actions though. The conditions around you is causing this change, however this is for your betterment. It can also mean a detoxification phase. In reversed position there is resistance to change, refusal to let go of old ways and adopt the new.

Death tarot card in respect of mental health

When it comes to mental health, Death tarot card upright indicates there is a change in the conditions which provides mental stability. As if the your safe world is no longer safe but you are adapting. Getting out of your comfort zone with a promise of something more satisfying, perhaps more freedom and liberty. Whereas the reversed card has an energy of losing control and despair vis à vis the change that is occurring

Death tarot card and Spirituality

As for Spirituality, Death tarot card meaning in the upright position show a paradigm shift in moral values. The card is indicative of fundamental transformation. Therefore, expect a radical change from old values and be ready to embrace new ones with brighter perspectives. When reversed in Spiritual context, the card illustrate a moment of inertia, refusing to bulge. This can cause lots of pain here as there is refusal to recognize the reality that is being unraveled. The situation can easily drop to the Devil tarot card reversed.

Death tarot card and

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