
Strength tarot card meaning

Strength tarot Rider Waite

Strength tarot card meaning

Strength tarot card meaning – Spiritual. Fortitude, is another name for this card. Strength is often associated with force, however, the card portrays strength as a gentle nature. Love, compassion, empathy forgiveness, acceptance, faith, resolved, and their analogies. As a spiritual card, it is a natural progression from The Tower tarot card. The Lion can be compared to the Serpent which lies under the feet of the Virgin Mary. Spiritually speaking the card provides an intimation of how the lower energies are to be mastered. I leave it to you to derive your discover how, i will only say that it is a very instructive journey, not for the faint heart though.

Upright and Reversed meaning

Strength tarot card upright . The surface meaning of the card shows power, energy, action, courage magnanimity; also complete success and honors. However, these are not the intrinsic meaning. It represent a
Spiritually evolved individual. The power to subdue without action. It is not willpower that has a causal effect here, rather, it is the aura of the individual that subdues the lower energies.

Strength tarot card reversed. When in this position the card shows the use of power to influence the natural course of situations. If the card is drawn as the Significator, it denotes despotism and abuse of power . However, the card may signify that, in order to achieve something, a strong hand is needed; it is for the individual to choose whether this is the best course of action.

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