
The Sun tarot card meaning

The Sun tarot

The Sun tarot card meaning

Sun tarot card meaning – Spiritual. The card represents new energy that brings fertility, think of it as a monsoon rain in India, or the flooding brought by the the Nile in ancient Egypt. Everything existing will be washed off, what remains is the core which get renewed and revitalize. In that state of quasi purity the vessel can receive and contemplate the Divine essence that coming from higher state of consciousness.

It also tells of an understanding of the shadows and their role. Often, negative aspects of life are unwanted, but they actually play a booster role in shaping who we are really. Here the shadows lie behind, the Sun tarot card guides us to look at the fruit which came out from difficult time. To love every situation we have been through, irrespective of their effect, to go beyond the illusion and see the underlying truth.

Being in that state of consciousness allows us to make full use of our vital energy, which can be expressed to its full potential. Thus anything undertaken in that state will reach the highest possible outcome.

The Sun tarot card speaks of a time which is filled with joy and success. Not only material, but also Spiritual. It is the receiving of the Light of the Spirit. Living in the knowledge of being blessed. Notice the difference between the rays of the sun here and those in the Lovers tarot card. They are indicative of the type of energy at play.

The Sun tarot card Upright and Reversed meaning

The Sun tarot card meaning Upright

The card depicts being reborn in the light of the Spirit. It can take the form of high Spiritual achievement, as it can also be take the form of a BIG relief. The important factor here is that the card guide the Querent to see God’s Love in every situation. Achieving this brings wisdom and humility. The ability to see earthly matters, whatever the situation, in that way. provides a new found freedom. One is relieved of fear and self pity, ideas of revenge, anger, frustration.

It is a card that foretells material happiness. Does not necessarily means being a billionaire. It is more likely that all material needs and wants are fulfilled without much effort. It is this connotation that that gave the card it meaning of fortunate marriage, one which brings material freedom. The idea of contentment is strongly

Contentment is a near impossible state to be nowadays. Therefore, it is not something to be taken lightly. Being contended is the highest form of productivity at which we can operate. The Sun tarot card indicates being stripped of illusion and feeling like a feather. From that state springs freedom, material happiness, completeness and wisdom.

The Sun tarot card – past and future position

If you receive this card in the future position, it is very much likely that an importance transition is lining up for you. It also indicate that at the present you are carrying much baggage. It is very important then to make peace with whatever negative situation you have in your life. Failure to do this will undermine the progress that can be achieved with The Sun tarot card.

In past position, the card indicates that fertile ground are at the foundation of whatever situation you are currently facing. This should serve as a reminder to have faith in your actions and the situations around you.

The Sun tarot card meaning Reversed

When The Sun tarot cards is reversed, look at things that are holding you back. People or situations with which you haven’t made peace. These will hamper the blessed feeling that is with you at the moment. The situation can result in a bitter sweet emotional state, and will hinder further growth.

However, this is easier said than done. Other cards in the spread are likely to shed light on what needs to be released. It can be anxiety, not living in the present, constantly preparing for future. The Sun tarot card reversed intimates that these factors will ease as you continue to progress along the current path.

Therefore in the reversed position The Sun tarot card is asking you to get rid of excess baggage that is hampering your feelings of freedom and contentment. Not every aspect of a given situation may turn out in your favor, hence, the ability to see beyond the illusion and accept every aspect as they are. In this position, the card shows that everything is at it needs to be right now, you have to change your perspective, use you newfound wisdom to see things for what they truly are.

The Sun tarot card meaning – Summary

The card represent happiness on the material plane and wisdom at the Spiritual level. It is a state of contentment and purity of thought. It also indicates deep healing which precede freedom. A clearing of the Chakras, Lightness, coming to term with the Shadow Self. These augurs fertile period of our life, where creativity and productivity are at their peak. The card also entails the understanding of the underlying nature of the natural law. The state of freedom which the card portrays is the strongest attribute. Remember the words of Nelson Mandela though:

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others…

Nelson Mandela

The Sun tarot card – further meaning

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Peace and Love.
YV Angel .

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Peace be with you and lots of love.

YV Angel

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