
Avoiding negative emotions altogether

Avoiding negative emotions altogether.

It is believed that there is a need to be positive, whatever the situation, find comfort in the positive side of a particular situation that makes us sad, do not be judgemental, do not allow anger, fear, resentment, hate, revenge and the like to block our spiritual evolution, be an Earthangel some say.

See here; when you attain a certain level in your spiritual evolution, others around you will see in you a person filled with positive traits and untouchable by the negative traits. They are looking at you from their perspective, thus they believe that to progress along the spiritual path they should adopt the same stance . The seasoned Seeker will radiate these traits to the neophyte, but these traits are the veil the Seeker has earned as a reward of lessons learnt. Words would not be able to convey these lessons to the neophytes, and wearing the veil from his standpoint will only result in confusion and delays.

For the neophyte, emotions should be fully experienced, without restraint, but within the confinement of the mind. The stance to be taken here is that of non-action. Whatever type of emotions being felt is then treated within this confinement, treated not enjoyed. Emotions are reactions of our conditioned mind that find solace when expressed by the physical body. Having fully experienced the emotion in our mind without any guilt, we then go on to train the mind in finding solace in the understanding of the rationality of a particular emotion and not in its expression. This exercise will gradually place us in an observer chair of our own mind and self, and will enable us to let go of unnecessary sophistications that blocks our progression. Doing it properly for some time will bring about a detachment from your current self, and this can be quite puzzling. You will experience your dreams differently, it would be as if you have more control over your actions in your dreams. This is in fact very important in order for you to delve into your subconscious mind and deal with any matters that need to be addressed for you to progress along the spiritual path and especially to let go of skeletons in thou closet.

But again, a word of advice, do not influence others who cannot comprehend or grasp the perspective you’ve attained, take the compliment but do not give advice like be always happy whatever the situation, forgive everyone no matter what, or love everyone. The last one always make me nod, cause we have little understanding of what Love is really but that’s another topic.

At this point we must remember that we are quite a primitive race, and our basic instinct still prevails over the higher self. Most of our emotions are dealt in the first three chakras, root/muladhara/manipura. Dealing with emotions and urges in the manner explained above allow for release of these basic energies from these chakras, instead of suppressing them. It is the suppression of these emotions which creates havoc in the subconscious mind, as you are going against your nature. For your mind, instinct prevails over moral and social norms.

In our pursuit of Spiritual Truth, we need to release the norms that have conditioned us and make us who we are now, these norms are not wrong in themselves, they were needed to bring us to our current condition and predisposition. Each of us were subjected to specific norms based on our external life-space. To progress we must first detach from these. Remember we talked about fear in our article Leap of faith, the methodology eases the process of identifying and letting go of those fears.

If we are honest about how we became Seekers of the Spiritual Truth, then we should embrace everything that contributed to placing us in that disposition. Resilience is an important trait here, it tempers the urge to act on certain emotions, mostly negative emotions caused by the actions of another. The reasons for these happenings in your life are of no consequences here or rather out of our capacity to understand. Resilience will enable mitigating the effect of suppressed feeling until it is addressed as explained above.

The rationality behind our behaviour is strongly influenced by our subjective moral and social norms, as a true seeker of the spiritual knowledge, it makes little sense attaching importance to anything which is of a subjective nature. We must not assign a definition or a shape or form to something that we are still yet to discover, doing so will only project a subjective illusionary and deceptive image of what is yet to be learned. Not knowing is ok. Not knowing will serve the same effect as Resilience, it will mitigate the effect of suppressed emotions.

Let us recap the process:

  • Express your emotions fully in your mind
  • Be resilient, for now, for all torts you think you have endured in your life
  • Acknowledge that moral and social norms are not appropriate gauge for a Seeker
  • Affirm everyday during your prayers or mantras or meditation, that you don’t know what is the law
  • Make a pledge to adopt a non-action stance for now
  • Take a back seat and observe your body and mind at work, its natural reactions
  • Clear your first three chakras everyday, for this you just have to visualise it flowing clockwise in a fluid and constant flow
  • Deal with your subconscious mind in your dreams. This is unique for each individual, so good luck. Remember that you are looking for control in your dreams. The ultimate aim is to control everything happening, a bit like writing a story
  • Slowly but surely learn how to transmute a basic instinct reaction to a higher self reaction, that is, take the emotions from the first three chakras and bring it up to the heart chakra
  • Now start learning how to operate this emotion from the heart chakra.

    The rest is personal to each individual, because even on the spiritual plane there is segregation of duties. You will learn what is for you to learn, no more no less, hence the recommendation not to share your truths.

    Thus to progress along the path, there must be a profound introspection of the self. Think of the saying as above so below. Understand yourself and you will begin to understand the above. You cannot understand yourself within a framework of moral and social norms, you must detach and become an observer. You cannot detach from your emotions if you don’t confront them. And this confrontation often takes place in your dreams. Dreams wouldn’t be the same again, it will have a all different dimension, but you have to experience it to fully understand it, and, remember, it is different for each of us.

    You will no longer be the mind nor the body. Be a Seeker and allow yourself to contemplate the mechanism of the body and the mind from an unbiased standpoint. Do not be repulsed by your mind’s and your body’s reactions based on moral and social norms. Allow yourself to embrace your emotions but do not give them expression in the physical world, allowing expression into the physical will start a downward cycle in the direction of our most primitive instinct and it is quite difficult to come out of it. The emphasis is on adopting the non-action stance. Find your real place here and there…..

    And this is just the beginning.

    Ciao for now


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