
Six of Wands tarot card meaning

Six of Wands tarot

Six of Wands tarot card – A.E. Waite interpretation, symbol analysis.

Six of Wands tarot card description and symbols
A laurelled horseman bears one staff adorned with a laurel crown; footmen with staves are at his side.

Six of Wands tarot card upright :
Divinatory Meanings: The card has been so designed that it can cover several significations; on the surface, it is a victor triumphing, but it is also great news, such as might be carried in state by the King’s courier; it is expectation crowned with its own desire, the crown of hope, and so forth.

Six of Wands tarot card reversed :
Reversed: Apprehension, fear, as of a victorious enemy at the gate; treachery, disloyalty, as of gates being opened to the enemy; also indefinite delay.

Six of Wands tarot card additional meanings and keywords:

Upright meaning:
Servants may lose the confidence of their masters; a young lady may be betrayed by a friend.

Reversed meaning:
Fulfilment of deferred hope.

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