
A New Approach to Divination

Why is it that, despite having some genuine and highly precise oracles around, few people actually benefits from the readings they receive?

What is the role of Astrology in our life?

What about Karma, what are its effect and how does it work?

The three questions above resolves around three types of energies:-
The first one is an analysis of the energies generated by the situations and people in our life at the time of the reading.

The second is the energy we draw from the planets and stars derived from their placements in the now in relation to their placements at the time of our birth. (there is more to astrology, but let us stick to basic)

The third one is related to the energies our soul requires to progress towards oneness.

As you can see the second and third one are direct result of actions we did in previous life, whereas the first one relates to actions and reactions of our current life.

We will continue our analysis having regards to how Tarot readings is done today, specially deep reading.

There are several types of tarot reading, from a simple spread to a more complex spread. The simple spread provides quick guidance and answers specific question. For example a person may formulate the following question: How is my health condition? And you receive the following spread:
We can see self inflicted pain which will eventually manifest in some kind ailment(s) if the person persist in her/his actions. Now the client wants a deeper reading and we do a celtic cross. The findings are that the person is in a bad marriage situation and is considering the options of another potential relationship, and the readings show that neither the actual relationship nor the potential one will work. For most of the tarot readings available online, this is as far as it goes. The recommendation will be to end both relationships and move forward.

What we do differently when doing a deeper assessment are:
1. a celtic cross,
2. an analysis of karmic effect,
3. astrological aspects that are at odds with the readings,
4. a priority spread to see where energies should be directed
5. an options spread to see what are the options available to the person

How does this approach differ from the usual tarot reading that are offered over the net? It encompasses the set of energies that do not come out in a conventional tarot reading, karma and astrological effect. Understand something, a reading is done within a framework, this framework for most readers is limited to the energies generated by the actions and reactions of the querent and its environment. It omits the two others, karma and astrology, thus no conclusive solution is provided to the querent.

Let us explain how our approach provides a better framework to a reading.
1. The celtic cross pretty much analyses the situation at hand. and provides precise information which the querent feels resonate with him/her.
2. The karma spread, analyses the effect of the querent’s karma on his/her life at the time of the reading, it also provides information on the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical aptitudes of the querent. There are more information but that remains for the reader’s knowledge and will not be communicated to the querent by a reader who knows the Spiritual laws. let us say that the karmic spread shows Death card reversed as effect at time of reading, pointing to some kind of inertia or refusal/ incapacity to end a situation.
3. The astrological aspects will provide information about what kind of energy the querent has at their disposal at the time of the reading. Let us say that nothing seems to be working for quite some time for the querent, and her/his astrology reveals that Pluto sesquisquare the nodes – this shows the reason why goals would be difficult to achieve

From the karmic spread and the astrological aspect we can conclude that whatever situation revealed in the celtic cross will persist until a change in astrological aspects, this can be confirmed using the karmic spread. The priority and option spreads provides the direction in which the energies of the querent is best directed to at the time of the reading. With such a framework the querent is provided with the appropriate tools to take charge of her/his well being and most importantly a balanced psyche.

In the above example we have taken only one card and one astrological aspect, of course our analysis goes much deeper which enables a precise recommendation to the querent. Couple with our recommendations are articles from our blog on how to regain control of the Self without having recourse to unnecessary sophistications.

Thus in one full reading the querent knows exactly what is the situation, what are the options available and what are not, what to expect and for how long, and where to direct her/his energies. Most importantly this is provided within a complete framework of all the energies working around the querent at the time of the reading.

But the main ingredient for successfully tackling a situation is that the querent must accept that there are no magic solutions to any situations nor quick fix methods. As we already pointed out in another article, those who try to manipulate the energies in favor of someone or a situation will only provide a temporary consolation at great expense to the querent. The point is that it is up to you, the querent, to do what is required to rebalance your life. Now that you have the information and the way forward, the only remaining ingredient is your input. Do not rely on black magic or other methods which tampers with your energy field.

You have powerful energies in you and your body knows how to use them, what it needs is for you to remove all negative emotions and thoughts from your psyche and allow the magic of this beautiful creation of God to work marvels for you.

On this, i will take your leave.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

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