
Emperor tarot card meaning

Emperor tarot card

The Emperor tarot card Interpretation

Emperor tarot card Spiritual meaning. The Emperor understands the natural laws and more so, the nature of human affairs. Therefore, he carries wisdom and higher knowledge conferred by his mystical life experiences; knowledge reserved for the Rulers. Thus, he has an inherent need to dominate. Unconsciously, he knows that he is destined to rule, thus, this confers sheer will power and exceptional focused intent. However, from a Spiritual point of view, although he flirts with the mystical world, he does not fully understand it because of his material attachment.

Adopting the correct perspective of reading the tarot will maximise the benefit of the oracle received. Tarot is a Spiritual tool; considering only the mundane aspects of the message will bring partial advantage. More so, in the case of Major Arcana cards. The advantage is lessened as the oracle has more Spiritual overtone.

Upright . Highest position of power, stability. Strong will, having the resources and abilities to manifest one’s desires. Provider of protection, safe haven. Hence, the Emperor also indicates high leverage power. Thus, it is a card of highest achievement and boundless opportunities. However, on a lower vibration, it can indicate the time to move to another level playing field.

Reversed . In reversed position the interpretation of the card needs to be read according to the context. Hence, It may indicate an unexpected and compassionate action, or subtle strategies. However, both designed to unveil or deceive in order to achieve one’s purpose. The important aspect of the card here is that the Emperor has power and authority. Therefore, he can test any situation to depths that are inconceivable to others. Hence, sometimes, his actions may be perceived as futile by others.

Other Emperor tarot card meaning

The Emperor tarot card in
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Symbol Interpretations and Key Words

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