
Love and Relationship issues in today’s society

Love and Relationship issues in today’s society

Where to start ?

As a means of earning a living and leaning about people whilst on our journey of self discovery, we provide services like tarot readings, healing and life coaching. It turns out that 99% of cases we receive, concerns relationship issues; problems between intimate partners. So where to start this article ? How to address this issue within the framework of our modern society. We will try our best to provide some kind of direction which will help you the reader to better understand your own emotional mechanism and the way it has evolved in today’s world. You may or may not agree with what we are going to posit, but remember to keep an open mind and verify the empirical information we will use as a basis for our brief introduction on the subject matter.

In the Beginning

When we were still primitive, even devoid of language, relationships between male and female were driven by factors like dominance, rewards, security, power, maximising lineage, survival, fear. These factors still drive the relationship in the animal kingdoms nowadays. We call these Primal Instincts.

Here is the first news for you.. These primal instincts have NOT evolved into something else in today’s world. We live in civilized societies, and these primal instinct are curbed by the Moral, Ethical, Legal, or Cultural influences. The extent to which they have been curbed depends on the society you live in. But the important point to note is that they are still within us. Today we call these energies LOWER ENERGIES.

We are still animals who have left the natural laws of nature to create our own laws, but that does not change who we are. You may like calling yourself a Human Being, but the animal within us did not go anywhere. Think of it as the Serpent which lies under the foot of Mother Mary.

It is good to know that, when we are subjected to psychic or occult attacks, they are directed at these lower energies within us, enhancing their vibrations so that they fill our energy field and take dominance of our self control. Thereby inhibiting our growth towards being a fully fledged Human. A Human Being for the purpose of this articles mean an animal with a mind capable of enlightenment.

What we observed during our sessions

Conducting so many sessions with individuals from different backgrounds revealed a trend in nowadays modern society. The first thing we noted is that people still have a problem to be fulfilled in the absence of some kind of relationship with another individual(s). What it means is that there is always an element of exchange when there is a relationship. A need is being satisfied. a void is being filled. It is as if we have forgotten how to be fully complete all by ourselves, how to be really independent, how to enjoy our own company. This, dear reader, is the root of today’s curse on relationships. Understand this, to be Human, means to interact with others without any notion of exchange. This is the precursor to the path towards higher level of awareness…… This is what some of you would call Spiritual Awakening…..sorry, but we are not there yet….we have yet to learn how to be Human first.

So what does this mean, and how does it answer our first question?

If we consider heterosexual relationships, Men are still carries the genes to procreate the maximum and be the dominant partner in a relationship. Therefore, for Men, one partner is just not the norm, this instinct is curbed by social norms, but nonetheless , it lies there waiting to emerge or is active in a secret and concealed manner.

Most Women on the other hand, would only associate sexual relationship only if there is an emotional element. And this emotional element remains prevalent throughout the lifetime of the relationship. No love and tenderness = no sex.

Therefore, as a result of this mode of interaction between the male and female energies, we observe disruptions which occurs after the first year of living together, after a pregnancy, or during middle age life crisis. It is noted that around these period are particularly favored to send psychic, occult attacks or charms.

The same logic will apply to relationships between same sex. The only difference is that the emotional factor is much more enhanced, thus the damage done when things go wrong is rooted much deeper.

Issues during courtship

Another type of problem we have encountered is among individuals in the stage of courtship. The fact that nowadays an individual will have experience several relationships before getting engaged to someone, implies that they carry unwanted baggage from previous experiences. When this is not dealt with properly, future relationship remains improbable, especially if there has been a traumatic experience; the individual will then enter into what we call Repetitive Negative Cycle. They will keep attracting the same type of partners who will cause the same type of damage over an over again. Often again, girls and boys are targeted during their puberty by psychic and occult attacks which are aimed at enhancing their primal instincts, thus the relationships they developed are tainted with lower energies.

That is it for now

There is only so much we can try to explain on such a vast subject, but we did our best to provide directions for you to obtain a clearer perspective of the issue. If you feel that you are an independent person, then ask yourself Why do you need a partner? Is it to have a family, children, joy, pleasure, stability, a sense of achievement, or simply to go with the trend, or are you afraid of loneliness., or was it love. If any of these reasons is a YES, then you will be at the mercy of the Lower Energies during the lifetime of that relationship. Love is rarely sufficient to maintain a long term relationship, it has to be cemented by something else. When this is done rightly, the love evolves, the sense of individuality evolves, the true nature of what it means to be Human start to emerge, the self becomes aware of its true nature and does not need social norms to keep the Lower Energies in check, instead they become old friends from another level of awareness, not to be looked at with despise, but as a natural state of our evolution from one level of awareness to another. We will end here for now. Thank you for reading.

Peace and Love be with you

YV Angel

love – Relationships and Tarot

love – Relationships and Tarot

Taking up on the previous article Love. We can now see that real love is not quite within our human grasp.

The reason the previous article was built around refining the notion of love is because in many tarot readings request we get in respect of relationships, the querent uses the word love in the question, e.g. does he still loves me?. Now as we demonstrated in our previous article, the notion of love for the querent and the notion of love for the reader is bound to be different when it concerns intimacy.

This is an important point because the Reader is making an interpretation which is influenced by subjectivity. What the Reader reads in the cards is her/his understanding of love in the context of the card, not he querent’s understanding of love. So the Reader is giving the interpretation in a certain degree and the Querent is receiving it in a different degree. This can be witty, especially when it concerns matters that can disturb our psyche at a very profound level.

This is also the reason why we consider the notion of soulmate and twin flame harmful. The wrong it can cause to the psyche are in some cases irreparable and even leads to distressing reactions.

Therefore when asking a tarot reading for a subject matter relating to an intimate relationship, avoid the word love. Use the word affinity, e.g. Asking about the status of a relationship which has been going for three years to consider whether to deepen the relationship or not:
…does he/she loves me enough for me to commit farther?
….will the marriage work?
…based on how things are going between us, will our affinities deepen?

First way – …does he/she loves me enough for me to commit farther?
If your understanding of love and that of the Reader are near, then you have a good chance of getting a right answer if the direction of the question is correct in your case. Meaning: he/she might not love you enough now BUT within a deepen relationship, the bond may strengthen, or the reverse might be true.

Second way – A….will the marriage work?. It will work may mean that one amongst the partner will have to sacrifice more than the other. So we can see it is not a good way to ask about a potential relationship.

There are many other wrong ways along the same line, I think you get the idea what we are getting at

Whereas, the third way of asking the question will open the door for the tarot to provide clear guidance in the given situation. Think about it, if affinities deepens, then the bond deepens and whatever lows that the relationship encounters along its journey will most likely be overcome successfully.

What we are trying to demonstrate is that often today, questions about make or break relationships are centered around a subjective notion of a word used out of its proper context. Whereas if we carefully chooses our words, like affinity we are guaranteed to receive a clear guidance from the tarot.

The astrology also reflects the affinities and discordance between two individuals. But as we pointed out in the article A New Approach to Divination, astrological aspects are very often at odds with the reality becasue of imbalances caused by mundane problems or unresolved karmic issues. So a good tarot reading is your best bet. Especially with an average of 45% divorce rate in developed countries, it does not cost much to have a tarot reading by the side (don’t tell your future partner though…).

Now, in respect of soulmate, we are categorical, this is pure human adulteration of the Mathematics of the Divine. Just think about it, if the idea of soulmate is real, then God purportedly send us to Gaia among seven billion peers with a probability of 1 in 3.5 billion to find our soulmate (considering one is hetero or gay, if someone is bisexual the probability is 1 in 7 billion……). We know that God works in mysterious ways, but this…. it looks more like a money making business and the sad thing is that it affects people who are emotionally vulnerable and certainly with a lot of imbalances in their energy fields, that they would believe such fantasist ideas.

We do form some strong bonds with other souls over lifetimes on Gaia and other planets and planes, and that is why, at times, we may be strongly attracted to another individual. At other times it can be that the two souls are at more so same level of spiritual progression and there is a natural understanding and attraction which comes from that. There is also the situation where a toxic past life relation will not end and this is misinterpreted as concordance affinity. There are so many possibilities that the precision of the reading rest on the intuitive potential of the Reader.

So in practice, a relationship reading cannot be based solely on trivial questions, this will generate trivial answers. In some cases where there is abuse by one of the partners, the matter is clear cut. But most of the time only a proper framework will provide the effective guidance on a relationship issue. A quick reading will provide an insight on the situation of the relationship, and a full reading will properly assess the way forward for that relationship. A major decision cannot be taken solely considering present situation and possible outcomes, it has to go deeper for the Reading to be of use to the Querent. 100% of the time both parties will have their share of responsibility for the relationship to work.

Remember, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, the reason is God’s will. It is by His benevolence that we enjoy the pleasures offered by Gaia. Now, how do we do this in today’s society is a different issue, but there are ways to be in harmony and living in a technologically advanced society. But that is for a different article.

We will end this article on this note: If you can love yourself unconditionally, you will benefit from all the energies provided by your astrological aspects (there are no good or bad aspects), and you will be fully alive. That type of person does not need a partner in life, because that person is in love with life. When two such individuals meets and decide to form a relationship, then the magic is euphoric, the only obstacles they may face would be of karmic nature, but they usually get a lot of help from the Divine to resolve that little matter.

Our next article will address the issue of Karma.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.



Look at the photo above, what is the first thing you feel, the very first thing…..this is love. Everything else is of emotional nature. Yes people, real love is not an emotion. Think of it rationally, if it is then there will be 7+ billion subjective degrees of love in the world – based on each individual’s subjective understanding and expectation of the word love.

Love is peace. tranquility, something flowing to-and-fro without beginning nor end.

Unfortunately nowadays love has many degrees of expressions:
– Love my pet
– Love my children
– Love my car
– Love my partner
– Love my job
– Love this love that

The word is used interchangeably with like, I like / I love, as if love is liking at a higher degree.

Some say unconditional love…..just take a walk outside your place for about an hour and see if you spot a case of unconditional love. Do this over a year, make a mental note to notice the manifestation of unconditional love around you. If love can be unconditional, then it can come with conditions too….logical.

I can continue like this and write a book (or may be an encyclopedia) about the different degrees of expression of the word love around the world.

Now i think i made my point. Let us now concentrate on how we felt when we saw the picture above. Most likely what was felt would have been something outside the five senses, it is as if something just engulfed you, something subtle, pleasing, but not related to the five senses. The picture has nothing which will stimulates the five senses, and yet it is mesmerising, peaceful.

This is how the Divine, the Angels, and so many other Higher Beings like the Buddhas, Ascended Masters and so many others, sees us and everything else that is manifest on Gaia. They will see the worst dictator the same way you see the child in the picture above. Now don’t tell me you can do this, if you can good, but i will be frank, i do not believe you, or it is very hard for me to conceive it. The reality is that everyone has a breaking point, we will tolerate things to a certain subjective degree, after that we explode.

This is where the misconception about forgiveness arise. If I forgive you, it is not for the reason that I know unconditional love (which does not exist), it is because i do not want your negativity to affect my spiritual progression – that is the only reason – and the sensible one. If your actions goes beyond my tolerance limit, you will suffer the consequences, and as a spiritual seeker, I know how to purge myself of the negativity of my reactions. It is as simple as that. God made us men and women, not lambs to the slaughter.

The way we approach the spiritual path is important, our basic understandings of norms must be put in the proper context, else we we be building a sand castle.

Having clarified my position vis a vis the word love, i will now turn my attention to the relationship between intimate partners. The trend in most part of the world today is that we wish to fall in love with the ideal partner and live happily ever after, or at least manage to maintain a happy life. You see, it is not love you feel for a potential partner, because what you feel is driven by your senses and your hormones, it more a strong like. At the time of this happening, both you and the other person have a subjective benchmark for strong like, when these benchmarks coincide there is a spark between the individuals.

We will stop here for today and I leave you to digest the above. We will continue the topic on intimate relationships between individuals in our next article and an introduction to soul mate, twin flames and the likes.

On this, i will take your leave.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

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