
Understanding the purpose of Tarot

Understanding the purpose of Tarot

Understand tarot. There is much debate as to the origin of the tarot. It must be understood that the tarot has for long been in the hands of the cartomancists; those who interpret the symbolism of the tarot by the pretext and intuitions which passes for divination. This is what is available nowadays, especially over the internet. Available interpretation of the symbolism are derived from a database of interpretations. A set of permutation and combinations whose framework uses psychological tools and the likes which purports to entice the querent into coming back for more. This amounts to scattering dust in the eyes of the world for obvious material gain and popularity.

I will posit for the sake of this article that the symbolism of the tarot may have its origins from within the Albigensian sects of the 11th century whose knowledge of the symbols would have come from the Knights Templars crusade in Jerusalem and also Egypt. However, I do not pretend to offer empirical data to support these claim. But I invite the student of the occult to meditate on the above and find their own truth. I strongly recommend you to arrive at your own conclusion regarding the origins of Tarot. However, unless the quest for such knowledge forms part of your spiritual process, little will it serve you.

If you do find the truth about its origin you will understand that it cannot be substantiated empirically.

Tarot through time


The promotion of tarot for the purpose of divination and spiritual development can be traced back to French occultist Jean-Baptiste Alliette (1738-1791). Also known as Etteilla (his surname spelled backwards), S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1854-1918) and A. E. Waite (1857-1942), the Italian Tarot, the Tarot de Marseille and more.

The deck of Etteilla offered little in symbolism and was popular amongst fortune tellers. But surprisingly the divinatory meaning ascribed to the cards by Etteilla forms the basis of more than 49 % of the divinatory meanings assigned to other decks with more symbolism. This shows that the database of divinatory meanings that you see today are on the lower interpretative scales and that the symbols are seldom used in today’s interpretations. This is not surprising as the Tarot, nowadays is used in relation to mundane affairs.

The point is, it is not the origin that is our concern; our concern is that the Tarot contains high symbolism which is interpreted according to the Laws of Grace. Symbolism carries vibration, an energy which is translated by the Reader during interpretation; for this the Reader relies on empath skills rather than intuitive skills. Thus the more spiritually geared the Reader is, the greater the insight into the spiritual meaning of the symbols. You cannot develop your empathy skills if you are not geared spiritually.

Tarot as a compass

A. E. Waite

Part of the tarot symbols purports to mundane affairs and part to higher purpose; Hence, a reading which is done outside a spiritual framework will only analyse and offer part of the information. This can be perfectly satisfactory for most querents, they might well achieve their wants (love, money, professional success, business success, political success, etc etc) when consulting a highly intuitive tarot reader. However, the fact remains that true happiness will evade them and they will be enticed to return for more readings.

Hence, as everything is about supply and demand, tarot has regressed in the provision of divination for mundane matters. Not everyone is seeking spiritual growth, and there is no wrong in using the part of the tarot which concerns mundane affairs only.

Commercial tarot reading

Where the adulteration occurs, and this is on the Reader, is when the querent is not placed in the right context, whether or not the querent believes in spirituality, she/he has to be aware of the whole picture. This is however not a very attractive marketing tools, by the end of the day, most of Readers today rely on the trade to make a living, furthermore, most of them are not spiritually geared, they possess highly intuitive nature or psychic abilities. Intuition and psychic abilities do not by themselves offer an automatic understanding of the Spiritual Laws.

We cannot detach the mundane from the spiritual, both are intertwined and the forces at work go beyond contemporary understanding or awareness. The placement we receive at birth in terms of social and moral norms forms the basis for our future growth or regression spiritually, the fact that most querent are more concern with mundane matters entails that a Reader with spiritual integrity will always include a warning note at the end of the reading in order to inform the querent whether he is in line with his karmic needs or not, then it is up to the querent to choose what level of awareness is attached to that information. When you see this warning note, you can be guaranteed that the Reader has a deeper insight into the Tarot.

Getting the proper framework for using tarot card

S. L. MacGregor Mathers

If you are a serious about learning the purpose of the tarot, there is much information which is available on the web. Query the work of Jean-Baptiste Alliette (1738-1791), also known as Etteilla (his surname spelled backwards), S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1854-1918) and A. E. Waite (1857-1942), this should provide you with a reliable string of information about the Tarot.

We will include shortly on our web site a page with the various signification of the tarot cards for reference purposes. The divinatory meanings comes mostly from the three sources we mentioned above. This should suffice to obtain a proper basis to analyse the symbols on the cards and create a connection with them. With these you can reinterpret your readings over time and start to develop an awareness about how the cards relates to your specific nature, you will see trends and synchronicities which will help you better understand your true self and your specific cycles.

But it is not advisable to do your own reading, first of all it is very difficult to do a reading for oneself because of the level parasites created by your own emotions and psyche, and secondly because when doing a reading you are opening doors to other dimensions and entities, if you do not have a properly consecrated sacred space with the necessary protection, you are exposing yourself to forces beyond your understanding.

This will wrap out note on the Purpose of Tarot for today.

Hope you enjoy the read.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

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Major Arcana

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Receive the loving vibrations from the Goddesses and the Angels. Hover a pendulum over the oracle cards and share your experience with us.

We wish you a happy journey and hope to bring loving light and insights into your life.

Peace be with you and lots of love.

YV Angel

A New Approach to Divination

A New Approach to Divination

Why is it that, despite having some genuine and highly precise oracles around, few people actually benefits from the readings they receive?

What is the role of Astrology in our life?

What about Karma, what are its effect and how does it work?

The three questions above resolves around three types of energies:-
The first one is an analysis of the energies generated by the situations and people in our life at the time of the reading.

The second is the energy we draw from the planets and stars derived from their placements in the now in relation to their placements at the time of our birth. (there is more to astrology, but let us stick to basic)

The third one is related to the energies our soul requires to progress towards oneness.

As you can see the second and third one are direct result of actions we did in previous life, whereas the first one relates to actions and reactions of our current life.

We will continue our analysis having regards to how Tarot readings is done today, specially deep reading.

There are several types of tarot reading, from a simple spread to a more complex spread. The simple spread provides quick guidance and answers specific question. For example a person may formulate the following question: How is my health condition? And you receive the following spread:
We can see self inflicted pain which will eventually manifest in some kind ailment(s) if the person persist in her/his actions. Now the client wants a deeper reading and we do a celtic cross. The findings are that the person is in a bad marriage situation and is considering the options of another potential relationship, and the readings show that neither the actual relationship nor the potential one will work. For most of the tarot readings available online, this is as far as it goes. The recommendation will be to end both relationships and move forward.

What we do differently when doing a deeper assessment are:
1. a celtic cross,
2. an analysis of karmic effect,
3. astrological aspects that are at odds with the readings,
4. a priority spread to see where energies should be directed
5. an options spread to see what are the options available to the person

How does this approach differ from the usual tarot reading that are offered over the net? It encompasses the set of energies that do not come out in a conventional tarot reading, karma and astrological effect. Understand something, a reading is done within a framework, this framework for most readers is limited to the energies generated by the actions and reactions of the querent and its environment. It omits the two others, karma and astrology, thus no conclusive solution is provided to the querent.

Let us explain how our approach provides a better framework to a reading.
1. The celtic cross pretty much analyses the situation at hand. and provides precise information which the querent feels resonate with him/her.
2. The karma spread, analyses the effect of the querent’s karma on his/her life at the time of the reading, it also provides information on the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical aptitudes of the querent. There are more information but that remains for the reader’s knowledge and will not be communicated to the querent by a reader who knows the Spiritual laws. let us say that the karmic spread shows Death card reversed as effect at time of reading, pointing to some kind of inertia or refusal/ incapacity to end a situation.
3. The astrological aspects will provide information about what kind of energy the querent has at their disposal at the time of the reading. Let us say that nothing seems to be working for quite some time for the querent, and her/his astrology reveals that Pluto sesquisquare the nodes – this shows the reason why goals would be difficult to achieve

From the karmic spread and the astrological aspect we can conclude that whatever situation revealed in the celtic cross will persist until a change in astrological aspects, this can be confirmed using the karmic spread. The priority and option spreads provides the direction in which the energies of the querent is best directed to at the time of the reading. With such a framework the querent is provided with the appropriate tools to take charge of her/his well being and most importantly a balanced psyche.

In the above example we have taken only one card and one astrological aspect, of course our analysis goes much deeper which enables a precise recommendation to the querent. Couple with our recommendations are articles from our blog on how to regain control of the Self without having recourse to unnecessary sophistications.

Thus in one full reading the querent knows exactly what is the situation, what are the options available and what are not, what to expect and for how long, and where to direct her/his energies. Most importantly this is provided within a complete framework of all the energies working around the querent at the time of the reading.

But the main ingredient for successfully tackling a situation is that the querent must accept that there are no magic solutions to any situations nor quick fix methods. As we already pointed out in another article, those who try to manipulate the energies in favor of someone or a situation will only provide a temporary consolation at great expense to the querent. The point is that it is up to you, the querent, to do what is required to rebalance your life. Now that you have the information and the way forward, the only remaining ingredient is your input. Do not rely on black magic or other methods which tampers with your energy field.

You have powerful energies in you and your body knows how to use them, what it needs is for you to remove all negative emotions and thoughts from your psyche and allow the magic of this beautiful creation of God to work marvels for you.

On this, i will take your leave.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

Who needs Divination?

Who needs Divination?

Why is it that so many people today feel compel to seek solace in some form of healing or spiritual practice to life rather than finding it in their native faith.

If you think that the divination arts are consulted only by people having mundane problem you cannot be more wrong. If you see the client list of some psychics and tarot practitioners you would be dumbfounded. One thing i can tell you is that it is intensively used in politicians and businessmen. But of course no one will admit to it, even you the reader you will not tell your entourage that you once consulted an oracle and found peace through their guidance.

But who really needs it?

We can categorized people into three groups:-

  • Those who are fully integrated in the sytem
  • Those who run the system
  • Those who (for some unknown reason) cannot seem to fit in the system, although having done everything by the norms
  • Those who carry heavy karmic debts and karmic lessons

The first two categories of people will have recourse to divination for material and relational aspects of their lives. Increase abundance, happiness, success, happy family life etc etc.

There is nothing wrong with that situation in itself, we do live in a very competitive world. This is the social and moral norms of this era. Most of the problems faced by category one and two will be related to mundane affairs, energy blockage, anxiety, stress, black magic, strong negative energies like envy and jealousy, love and other things along the same line. The problems encountered by category one and two people are easily dealt with by genuine and experienced Psychic/Healer/Life Coach. The category one and two people are at a fix level of spirituality in this current life, there is no progress or regress for them in this current life.

The real challenge is to deal with the category three and four people. These person, for some reason are not able to lead a life according to the social and moral norms around them. The soul of these people are at an evolutionary point where they are about to make a transition from one level of spirituality to another. A note of warning here, these people will attract or have around them very high energies and it is current practice among many so call Gurus today to syphon that energy for their own gain.

The challenge in dealing with such cases is that the problem is threefold:-

  • Get them to accept that social and moral norms does not apply to them, as in they cannot have the same expectancy as category one and two people
  • Teach them the spiritual truths of matters pertaining to their specific individual situation
  • Getting them to integrate the solution given to them in concordance to their immediate environment to cause minimal disruption in their social and professional life

The difficulty also lies in the fact that very often the failure to successfully accomplish the threefold task leads to a regression in spirituality. The buddhist system in that respect is quite effective as it prevent regression of the soul, so whatever you have acquired is maintained, but for this one must have practiced a life as a buddhist in one of her/his previous life. It can be deduced from the tarot readings, if you know how to ask the proper line of questions.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance for such individuals to approach their transition with due diligence and care. One thing to avoid is the unnecessary sophistication of the unmanifest world and quest for special skills. if you are to see the unmanifest, you will see it by yourself, there is no need for attunement from anyone. As for special skills, they are just by-product of the evolution of the soul, it should not be sought for, nor should it be valorised. The reason is simple, your Ego will devour you inside out once you start flaunting your special skills.

I’ll take your leave now and hope you enjoy the reading.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

The Tarot as a way of life

The Tarot as a way of life

THE TAROT – how to use it effectively and efficiently

What come to mind when we think of the tarot is the image of the fortune telling gypsy woman. Many people still regard the tarot as an amusement. Like everything having to do with divination arts, it is a very subjective matter as it has no empirical data to substantiate its veracity. For all those of you who considers the tarot as fortune telling, we have nothing further to add, we would appreciate that you go your own way with your beliefs.

For a growing number of people though, the tarot has become an integrated part of their life, they have recognised that insights provided by the tarot gives them an advantage in their day to day life. Examples are endless, but the most recurring ones are:

    – Make or break relationships of all kinds
    – Business decisions (queries on partners, colleagues etc)
    – Buying a new house
    – Moving from one place to another
    – Having a child
    – knowing our child

We can see that the above list consist of major turning points in one’s life, and this is an important aspect of the tarot. People will consult the tarot because they have reached a turning point in their lives, and the overflow of emotion and information during these phase makes it difficult for them to make proper analysis of the situation and respond accordingly.

The tarot deck is divided between the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana can be viewed as a road map to fulfilment of one’s goal(s) in a lifetime, it has several layers of interpretations which starts on the mundane plane to other planes of existence where the Higher Beings dwells, look at it as intervention from the Divine. Whereas the Minor Arcana deal on a more mundane level with the intricacies and interrelationships between you and your environment (situations, people, etc).

In respect of questions, it is important for the querent (person asking for a reading) to know how to properly phrase the questions. let us analyse the proper way to ask questions.

    – Yes and No questions, personally i don’t think they are effective. Think about it, if certain cards represents yes and others represents no, this would mean that there are several categories of yes and several categories of no. This can turn out quite confusing if you are looking for a simple yes/no answer. So, do not use them
    – Always user terms like:

      • show me …the energy surrounding a situation
      • give me an insight into a situation, relationship, or decision
      • give me an insight what lead to this situation
      • show me the significator (card which best represent someone or a situation at a given time) of that person or situation
      • show me if this course of action benefits me materially/ or emotionally/or career-wise/or relationship-wise
      • Never ask for advice

Tarot can be interpreted solely on a mundane level, or it can go beyond that and analyse the requirement of the person’s soul in this lifetime. Let us assume that you believe that a soul undergoes several birth during its journey back to the light. There are three elements that must be considered in such a scenario:

    – the Karmic effects of past life
    – the duty towards the ancestry line
    – the duty towards the soul

This type of analysis provides a clear way forward for the querent, the only hic is that most of us are not prepared for that type of reading. Most of us are so taken up by our immediate needs and wants, that little time is available to contemplate our deeper needs.

The tarot does not give advice to you, it gives insights, it is for you to choose the way forward. What drives us nowadays is family, love relationship, children, career, everything having to do with material and emotional comfort. Thus most of us will consult the tarot in respect of the material and emotional need.

For people who feel that there is a different need which is not being catered for, a need which cannot be satisfied materially or emotionally, an empty space. They are at a stage where the Universe influence in their mundane life is felt heavily by them (increased sensitivity) and compels them to seek what is commonly referred to as spirituality of some kind. All too often they fall under the wrong hands and are balloted around seeking to get something which is already in their possession.

Someone once asked me if the tarot could be used to predict investment outcomes, example on the stock exchange. Well, I haven’t tried yet. But it is an interesting topic, because on the same line of though we could analyse nations, politics, i mean all the driving forces of our society. This is not different from analysing an individual, the individual is a micro subject, the forces of society is a macro subject, complicated yes, but possible.

We always accompany readings from the tarot with Angel and Goddess oracles, these provides strategic insights which acts as a framework for our tarot reading. It guides us on important aspects of ourselves like faith, trust, love, patience, compassion, empathy, health, that help us frame the reading of the tarot in a loving and compassionate cloud. The most important aspect of these oracle is that they compel us to love and be kind to ourselves first of all. If you do not love yourself or you are being too judgemental and critical vis a vis yourself (despondent) then nothing good will come to you or from you.

We’ll take your leave for now and hope you have gained some valuable advice on how to consult the tarot effectively and efficiently.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

Introduction to Oracles & Divination- Tarot

Introduction to Oracles & Divination- Tarot

There are three aspects in divination;
1. the divination method used (e.g. tarot)
2. the intuitive capacity of the oracle (person doing the divination)
3. the empath and compassion level of the oracle (the higher their level, the better the interpretation)
4. spirits aiding in the process.

People rarely have recourse to some kind of divination just for fun. Most of the time, there is a need to get an insight into situations of our life for more clarity and to decide on the best way forward. The three most important aspect are insight, clarity, way forward.

An insight is about what the prevailing energies around you and what are the probable outcomes that may await you. The energies may purport to people, situations, relationships etc etc. The oracles also provides an insight on your conscious and subconscious response to the matter under review. With the tarot, there is the possibility of deriving all kinds of information, and using different spreads allows the oracle to best identify the situation under review and the key elements of the matter at hand. There are spreads which gives a whole picture of the a person’s life, but i find it more fruitful to work with several spreads, it allows the intuition of the oracle to be more effective in the divination process.

The use of different spread thus allows for a better clarity on the situation. At this point, the oracle has a good appreciation of the matter at hand, and this is where it becomes tricky, if the oracle allows personal social and morals norms to influence the reading, that is by having a personal opinion on the subject or the person under review, the whole oracle gets adulterated. The result is embroilment in future reading to the detriment of the querent (person asking for the divination).

Way Forward
We now come to the part where advice (from the card spread) is interpreted to the querent, the same rule of thumb applies here, if a personal opinion or some kind of judgement has been made by the oracle, then the advice is adulterated. The way forward is what is best for the querent, this differs depending at what stage is the querent’s soul in its evolution towards the Light.

If the querent is a person who has realised that we are all seekers and that he need to embark on a spiritual path, the way forward will most likely entail difficult situations to enable the gain of skills needed for such a path. The best mantra for such a person would be one of gratitude, and certainty that basic needs will be provided for. But this is so different for each person on such path that it is best taken on a case to case basis.

Depending of the karmic lesson and the karmic debt the querent has, the way forward may similarly be either more enjoyable or less enjoyable. Think about it, you sow what you reap. And there is no way around it, no in fact there is, some people have recourse to the black arts – meaning that the natural course of something or someone is adulterated to temporarily benefit someone else. For example a man who wants his girl friend to come back to him, or a businessman who want his business to grow faster than it is intended to. These solutions are, however, temporary and requires continuous reinvestment in the black arts. The drawback with this is that it adds a lot on your karmic debt, but some either don’t care or don’t believe in karma (seems very contradictory to believe is black arts and not karma – it points to very disturbed souls who are in great confusion and bondage).

But by the end of the day, whatever the situation, the querent can be satisfied that there is now greater insight in her/his life.

A word of warning now, most oracle use the help of spirits to interpret the cards, thus just be aware that there are spirits who like to play with humans, I will not use the word evil or bad, I will use the word witty, it is most appropriate.

Lastly if the oracle tells you that she/he can interfere in the matter, for example your wife has left you and the spread show that she is not coming back and you want her to come back, and you are in good luck cause the oracle provide this service…..At his point I will ask you this question:- Do you know how to interpret the cards?. What if the cards in that instance showed that the wife is indeed coming back, but to get some more money from you, the oracle interpret it the other way to fool you and guarantees her return by her/his intervention. Think about it………think about this well, i am sure you have just realised it has happened to you.

In the latter case, it is not a rip off, some oracles do it because you will refuse to pay their proper fees, so they set out a low initial fee and then get the rest out of you by other witty means, it is only fair. So many people do not realise what it entails to be an oracle, this an extremely very demanding vocation.

To block someone who is supposed to move on (or adulterate a situation in favor of the querent), you have recourse to black arts, with its high karmic cost.

If someone has to come back, or a situation has to turn back in your favor, it will entail a lot of work from your part too, there is NO quick fix solution. An oracle who is a seeker will guide you through the process with advices, strategies, prayers (whatever your religion), meditations, detoxification of mind and body amongst other things, but always with the help of the divination method she/he uses.

I will end here for this introduction and introduce more materials later base on feedbacks and queries.

Peace to all of you.

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