
Temperance tarot card meaning

Temperance tarot card

Temperance tarot card meaning

Temperance tarot card meaning – Spiritual. The card is about balance between the spiritual needs and the material needs (keep in mind the difference between needs and wants). Notice that the sun is seen to rise between two mountains, not pillars, and that the road leading to the path between the mountains is narrow and looks strenuous. The flow of water from the cup over land to the cup over water represents a need to tamper our material wants and look beyond the surface meaning of the situation in context.

Upright and Reversed meaning

Temperance tarot card upright.

Everyone of us is aware of his or her Spiritual need. Even if you do not believe in Spirituality, you do believe in your deep guts feeling. An imbalance can take many forms; lack of progress, inability to find satisfaction in your deeds. Upright the card shows that there is a balance between your unconscious Spiritual need and your material needs. Each is being fed accordingly.

Temperance tarot card in reversed

In this position the card represents imbalance. It is up to you to find where the imbalance lies and act accordingly. It also signifies matters to do with religion, sects and the likes. Thus it indicates that you are blindly following a belief system. This is harmful for both your material needs and your Spiritual evolution.

Further Temperance tarot card meaning

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