



To understand the role religion should be playing in our life let us first state some facts that most of us would agree on:

  • We are all equal before God
  • We are not all equal in the manifest world

The reason why we are born here and not there is not the question to be asked, cause it will only bring a need to believe in something we cannot prove.  Let us drop it and move on.

We are not equal in the manifest world – FACT

This inequality and the demography of the world population gave rise to different beliefs (religions)   and it suited the indigenous people in each part of the world, which was kept quite segregated by lack of communication and transport.

In today’s globalised world and pluralism of society we are exposed to all existing beliefs system and can be easily seduced by that one or this one, or this can lead to sectarianism in other cases.

But we must not forget that the element of morality in each indigenous system of belief is resultant from its demographic manifest, the unmanifest being understood (supposingly) only by the priest, gurus, and the kind .  To engage on a spiritual journey we must first disengage from the manifest element of our belief system.  What is the “manifest element”, well it is the notion of good and evil.  It is pointless to disengage from one manifest to engage another one.

Remember, you are seeking the Spiritual Truth which is the unmanifest.

In our article “Navigating the spiritual path”, we said that engaging a spiritual journey is experiencing an increase awareness and a shift in consciousness.  This increased sensitivity should not be put to use in imposing our personal belief system to another, NO.  It should be used to further our understanding of our own religion so as to remove all element of “belief ” in it.  Attaining this is “bliss”, seeing the truth in everything.

Having said that, there would be occasions where you would be attracted like a magnet to another belief system, or you would feel the need to experience another religion.  The reason behind the urge is irrelevant.  Should you act on it? YES.  Act on it, but adopt the following guidelines:

  • Understand its most basic form of worship, i.e. one which is done by almost all indigenous followers of that faith – really the basics.
  • Do it everyday at dawn and at dusk
  • Address the Deity or higher beings concerned and humbly express your intention of exploring that belief system
  • Do not drop your own religion, rather append the new to it
  • Do not, i repeat, do not BELIEVE anything you see on that particular religion except the Deity’s name and basic form of worship..
  • Most important of all, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF
  • Now, your resolve is important too, this simple prayer should be enough:
    • “Salutation to …………. , i do not know the cause of my urge to integrate this religion, i call upon thou to guide me through the process and bring to me what is best for my spiritual  advancement.  I ask for forgiveness for any mistakes i may be doing in the process of worship”
  • Doing this, if you are destined to embrace something new, it will come to you.  You must believe that you are worthy of receiving.   

So, religion? Yes. But Keep it to yourself.

Navigating the spiritual path

Navigating the spiritual path

Navigating the spiritual path

A shift in consciousness coupled with an altered awareness is what is happening to you.  Why you? Do not seek a logical reason, there are none.  In fact a major lesson on that journey would be to free yourself from bondage of logical understanding, but not before having learned to navigate the waters where you presently are.

The cause may be great pain or simply boredom, but whatever the reason, once you experience a shift in consciousness and altered awareness, the things that will help you are:

  • Be happy and content with your current environment and situation to the best you can (always try to find the good in a situation), whatever it may be, Concentrate with getting your basic needs satisfied, and do not feel regret over losses.
  • Be resilient towards things that are out of your control, specially negative things. 
  • Being satisfied and thus positive just recite this affirmation when you wake up and before you go to bed:

“Nothing stays the same forever – EVERYTHING CHANGES – my life is changing in positive ways because I am probing my true self – Dear [THE HIGHER BEINGS YOU BELIEVE IN] help me see it, feel it and help me manifest all my needs and wants on this plane”.

“My Ego is most powerful, I respect thy power, thy power lies in my hands, now I take it back and I thank you for everything”

  • Start a healthy lifestyle to the best you can depending on the society you live in.
  • Try to be independent for your income.
  • Eliminate the need of third parties to be happy, I am not suggesting you to be a recluse, but rather to be happy and contended with your own self. If your happiness is not dependable on others, you will no longer experience sadness in any given situation, but rather you will start developing the muscles of empathy and compassion.
  • Find time to meditate at least 30 minutes every day.

Getting through this phase, you would slowly feel lighter and lighter about life and it will now be easier for you to let go of your past and detach from it.  Detachment does not necessarily mean severing the old altogether, but rather changing the perspective of seeing things.  Although it is true that a complete change in scenery helps, it is really a subjective matter, best dealt individually.

Aiming to detach from your old self in that way will empower you with compassion and empathy.

And during this transformation, the question you will be asking yourself is: when to act and when not to act, remembering that an omission is a form of action.  Believe me, it’s not as clear cut as it seems.  Remember, if you truly are embarking on a spiritual path, you are aiming to understand the Spiritual Law.  You will not find it in books or with Gurus etc, in fact after 23 years probing i am quite certain that in our current form (i.e. human) we can only grasp a blurred image of it.   But that is what most of us can take and it will suffice to  bring us up to the next level of our natural evolution.

My salutation to you all.


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