
The Emperor tarot in Work and Business

Emperor tarot card

The Emperor tarot in Work and Business

The Emperor tarot in Work and Business. Attributes of the card are control, stability, virility, will power, therefore, these aspects will guide the interpretation of this card here. Prospect are good when The Emperor appears in career question. Whether upright or reverse, The Emperor tarot career meaning shows leverage and being at the top of the food chain.

The Emperor tarot in Work and Business Upright. In a career spread, The Emperor upright denotes a strong will and inherent abilities to being in a very senior position. Therefore, this is a card which belongs to individual having authority over their peers. It does not signify fairness. The card may be a natural progression from The Chariot tarot card. The Emperor has enormous buffer in almost every situation, except for Spiritual matters.

The Emperor tarot in Work and Business Reversed When reversed the card signals that the usual approach to situations must be softened in order to achieve desired goal. Often this can indicate manipulative games.

Emperor tarot card – Keywords

Upright. Stability, power, protection, realization. A great person. Aid, reason, conviction. Authority and will.

Reversed. Benevolence, compassion, credit. Confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.

Major Arcana cards portends major events in an individual’s life. Hence, one must pay extra attention when they pop up. A career heavily influences the self esteem of an individual. Other social factors are heavily dependent on a successful career. Parts of your life may be in a rut, however, a good career path can counterbalance than fact. Therefore, a Major Arcana card in a career spread prevails other any other cards in that spread.

The Emperor tarot in work and business – Further meaning

The Emperor and career Upright. Strong and stable position. One which provides leverage from multiple perspectives. It can indicate being at the top with no further scope for advancement, hence the need to look elsewhere or diversify. Although the need to change is not highlighted, the qualities of the Emperor creates a strong drive to be at the very top of the game. Hence, it may also be an indication of readiness to enter a higher level playing field. Get Psychic help to interpret The Emperor tarot card in Work and Business.

The Emperor and career Reversed. The Emperor calls for a need to change your current approach to get what you want. Hence, subtlety is the keyword here. Nothing can be achieved by a tour de force. Patience and benevolence are your best friends when the Emperor is reversed. You do not have leverage in terms of power, therefore other subtle means are required to achieve the purpose. In reversed position the card ask you to develop these virtues as part of your qualities. Do you need expert interpretation?

Summary – The Emperor tarot in work an business

The Emperor tarot and career meaning emphasize two things. The first one is being in a very senior position, whether in your profession or trade and the second one indicates the way forward. Therefore, in the upright position it favors the usage of all available resources to succeed. Whereas, in reversed position it implies that a soft approach is necessary. The best way to understand the card is to visualize a politician. He can be forceful or he can be very subtle. Do not interpret being subtle as lying or being hypocrite. For the Emperor emotions are but ways to an end.
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The Emperor tarot card in
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