
Death tarot card about Love

Death tarot card Rider Waite

The Death tarot card and love upright is about endings and beginnings of matters which affects our ability to maintain a balance stance vis a vis our life affairs. Death tarot card and Love signifies major changes in the social and moral norms of love, with the promise of a new light. Therefore, this may signify a time which challenges our perception of love.

Do you feel hopeless, powerless, unable to influence matters surrounding your relationship. Then, expect to see Death tarot card and love reversed. You are feeling trapped, but there is nothing you can do. Things will never be the same again. It is best to move on with your life instead of sitting and being a victim.


Upright. End, mortality, destruction, corruption also, for a man, the loss of a benefactor for a woman, many contrarieties; for a maid, failure of marriage projects.

Reversed. Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism; hope destroyed.

Death tarot card and love further meaning

Major Arcana cards portends major events in an individual’s life. Hence, one must pay extra attention when they pop up. Love relationships play an important role in defining our social standing. Therefore, with who we are will influence our direction in life here.

In a question about love, many aspects of a relationship is under scrutiny. Hence, the fogginess surrounding the interpretation of the tarot cards in that instance.

Therefore, we categorised the interpretation of the tarot cards in five distinct groups.

  • Already in a relationship from an individual point of view.
  • From a couple’s perspective.
  • In respect of a potential relationship.
  • Friendship
  • Sexual Compatibility

Thus, the querent will have a better understanding of the essence of a relationship. Read our article on Love and Love Relationships and Tarot.

Already in a relationship from an individual point of view

Upright. Inevitable end, although, it promises new brighter beginning. However, it not only means Jumping from one relationship to another. Above all, the essence of love is transmuted to a higher Spiritual level which paves the way for the new to come. Reading our articles on love and relationships will help.
Love – Relationships and Tarot.
Reversed. Passive resistance is an attribute of the card in this position. Consequently, this will translate in monotony, boredom, loss of purpose, and their analogies.

From a couple’s perspective

Upright. The foundation of the couple is crumbling and sustainment is not an option. However, there is the promise of a better future for the couple. Reinvention is a key theme here.
Reversed. Clinging to existing belief, becoming like automates. Therefore life becomes mechanical. It is forced contentment. Thus, the couple slowly sinks into boredom.

In respect of a potential relationship

Upright. Extruding social stigmas will pave the way for promising new experience. Therefore, the process will be painful and disruptive.
Reversed. Major obstacles hindering the process of letting go of social stigmas. Thus, giving rise to entangled, confused feelings, and loss hope.


Upright. The common denominator around which the friendship gravitates will dissolve. Thus, making way for new and more fulfilling interest and friends.
Reversed. Unhealthy attachement to friend(s) despite ending of common interest.

Sexual Compatibility

Death tarot card and sex Upright. Incompatible at present. Nonetheless, brighter prospect if moral and social norms on sexuality changes. This foretells an increase maturity in sexual matters and a renewed sense of self love.
Death tarot card and sex Reversed. Not sexually compatible. It may foretell of a situation you have already encountered before.

Death tarot card and

Death tarot card and

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Peace and Love.
YV Angel

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We wish you a happy journey and hope to bring loving light and insights into your life.

Peace be with you and lots of love.

YV Angel