
The Emperor tarot card and Love

Emperor tarot card

The Emperor tarot card and love upright meaning indicates security through intimate relationship. Do you feel the need to be nurtured. You want someone who takes care of your problems while you seek refuge in their arms. Or, you are driven by the need to protect a person whom you would like to be intimate with. Hence, The relationship is about the need of stability primarily.

The Emperor tarot card and love reversed meaning is like lowering one’s guard, being more pleasant that usual. More so, it is as an act of seduction. Hence, being softer in order to attract.

The Emperor Upright.
Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person; aid, reason, conviction; also authority and will.
The Emperor Reversed.
Benevolence, compassion, credit; also confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.

The Emperor tarot card and love further meaning

Major Arcana cards portends major events in an individual’s life. Hence, one must pay extra attention when they pop up. Love relationships play an important role in defining our social standing. Therefore, with who we are will influence our direction in life here.

In a question about love, many aspects of a relationship is under scrutiny. Hence, the fogginess surrounding the interpretation of the tarot cards in that instance.

Therefore, we categorised the interpretation in five distinct groups.

  • Already in a relationship from an individual point of view.
  • From a couple’s perspective.
  • In respect of a potential relationship.
  • Friendship
  • Sexual Compatibility

Thus, the querent will have a better understanding of the essence of a relationship. Read our article on Love and Love Relationships and Tarot.

Existing relationship from an individual perspective.

Upright. The Emperor tarot card and love shows that security and protection are the foundation of the relationship. Everything is fine as long as that the feeling of security is there. Identify that need of security and try to free yourself from it because independence is a powerful attribute.
Reversed. The Emperor tarot card indicates that either you are being played, or you are playing someone. At best, it may indicate that the relationship holds on compassion.

From a couple’s perspective

Upright. The Emperor tarot card and love shows a dominant couple, strong and wise.
Reversed. A caring and warm couple. However, it may also indicate naivety

In respect of a potential relationship.

Upright. The need for security is the trigger. When contemplating a potential relationship, financial or physical security can be strong drivers. Emperor tarot card and love illustrates these types of relationships here.
Reversed. Compassion is most likely being interpreted as love here. Therefore, it is not a lasting potential


Upright. One sided friendship if viewed from an individual point of view. Strong and going places if viewed jointly.
Reversed. Caring and warm relationship, or it indicates someone of power befriending you with ulterior motives.

With the Emperor card and love issues, you would like to be more precise whether you are questioning the relationship, or the motive of either parties to the relationship.
For example

Give me insight on my friendship with X


Give me insight on the reason why X is my friend.

Sexual Compatibility

When The Emperor tarot and sex is concern the chemistry is electric whether upright or reversed. However, reversed there may be an indication that sex is used as a form of enticement.
Upright. Emperor tarot and sex indicates the kind of intensity which is experienced when having an affair for example. It intense, virile, and brings up our primal energies.
Reversed. Sex is warm and loving here, however, Emperor tarot and sex may indicate a red flag here. Make sure you are not being played.

The Emperor tarot card in
Work and Business
Symbol Interpretations and Key Words

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Major Arcana

If you need guidance on the interpretation of The Emperor tarot and love meaning please leave a comment below and we will revert back to you.
Peace and Love.
YV Angel

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We wish you a happy journey and hope to bring loving light and insights into your life.

Peace be with you and lots of love.

YV Angel

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