Eight of Pentacles tarot card –
A.E. Waite interpretation, symbol analysis, and further meaning
Eight of Pentacles tarot card description and symbols
An artist in stone at his work, which he exhibits in the form of trophies.
Eight of Pentacles tarot card upright :
Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business, perhaps in the preparatory stage.
Eight of Pentacles tarot card reversed :
Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury. It may also signify the possession of skill, in the sense of the ingenious mind turned to cunning and intrigue.
Eight of Pentacles tarot card – additional meanings and keywords:
Upright meaning:
A young man in business who has relations with the Querent; a dark girl.
Reversed meaning:
The Querent will be compromised in a matter of money-lending.

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