The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning
Wheel of fortune tarot card meaning – Spiritual. We have the four guardians of Heaven, the all knowing and all seeing; the sitting Sphinx with a sword, Typhon descending, Hermanubis ascending; and the wheel itself. The Wheel of Fortune is representative of life cycles. As such it has a close connection with the Karmic North Node and South Node in astrology, or Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology. The vibration received when looking at this card can be translated as everything is in Divine order.
Therefore, the first thing to do when you receive this card is to live in the present. You are where you are meant to be both in space and time. It is a strong indication that, whatever the condition around you, there is little you can do to influence them. Destiny plays a strong hand when you receive this card, this is a time where freewill is of little use.
Even though, sometimes things appear to be in a stalled position, do not be fooled, this card reminds you that there are forces at play that are beyond your perception. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card does not reflect positive or negative outcomes. However, things are very much likely to be going your way as the card implies progression of your soul.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning Upright
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card can represent that unexpected
strike of luck, unforeseen good fortune, success, felicity. You may feel like destiny is playing a favorable hand in your affairs. The card will show in a spread, only if your actions have been in lined with your Karmic influences. You will not see this card if you are straying away from your path. The card indicates that destiny is playing its hand in bringing completion to a cycle in your life, be it a minor or major cycle. Where there is completion, there is also beginning of a new cycle. Therefore, expect your life to change in considerable ways when you receive this card.
However, when upright, the card ask you to concentrate on your basic needs and let destiny play its hand. Do your thing, but without much thought for the future. It is quite possible that you will not notice the changes occurring around you, but it is very much likely that your past actions have set in motion favorable alignments; alternatively there can be a sudden favorable change in your situation which comes from things that were beyond your control. Think of winning the lottery–that’s the best example.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning Reversed
When reversed, you are very much likely to actually experience the increase and abundance that comes with this card. Think about experiencing a growth in your business, expansion, innovation, new market, new products etc. The manifestation of abundance here is in part within your control. Some of you may remember sitting on Daddy’s lap and steering the wheel of the car while driving, you feel as if you are driving, but actually Daddy is right here behind you. This is the kind of feeling associated with this card reversed. There is a certain ease of achievement around your dealings.
It is important to be grateful and share that abundance, give back some to Gaia, in whatever form it may be.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning – Summary
Naturally, as with any other Major Arcana cards, there are deeper meanings to the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. However, these are for the student of occult to learn, and what the card reveals to one, it may not reveal to another. Suffice to say for this introduction that the card has a strong connotation with Karma and the cycles of life. Even though not all cycles may be pleasant, but when reaching the end, the perspective of what is pleasant and what is not would have definitely change.
From another perspective the card represents initiation of the soul into other dimensions. Access is obtained under the watchful eyes of the Guardians to other Dimensions and other Beings to further our Spiritual education. I mention this for the Spiritual Seekers, who might otherwise not understand what the card represents for them. As a Spiritual seeker the definition of abundance and increase is on a different nature than that of the average individual.
Upright it will signify to rest and let your body adapt and adjust itself with the energies received, there is a period of adaptation where you have to take extra care of yourself, especially regarding your emotions. Reversed, it would most likely entailed conversations and interaction with other Beings to heal and progress along your path.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card – further meaning

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YV Angel .
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YV Angel
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