The Tower tarot card meaning
Tower tarot card meaning – Spiritual. On the face of it the card is pretty explicit. It represents a fall. But fall from what? From human arrogance and haughtiness. It indicates what happens when the intellect is used to understand God. Spiritually speaking the card is a welcome one. Even though it implies severe upheavals, it promises a new light. Think of it as a U-turn. Many Spiritual seekers will face this card on their journey. Some as a consequence of following the wrong Teachers, others for being false Teachers. The former will realize the truth in a painful but brief moment of realisation, whilst the other will literally face destitution resulting from the form of tarnished reputation.
In both cases the root of the catastrophe is the result of the synergy that is building between the teacher and the followers. The difference between these groups and major forms of Religion is that the latter does Glorify the representative, it glorifies the belief. Here the representative is seen a savior, a bringer of salvation. It is those type of system that faces the calamities contained in this card.
On another level, it signifies the fall of our own set of personal belief, our moral compass. Around which we have built our life. However harsh the situation may be, it does entail a redirection along the proper path. It is a wake up call.
The Tower tarot card Upright and Reversed meaning
The Tower tarot card meaning Upright
There is a notion of great loss that comes with this card. Understand something though, if you are poor, you have little to lose, and if you do lose, you can easily come back to the level you were before the loss. The richer you get, the more difficult this becomes, and the harsher is the loss felt. Similarly, the seeker who approaches the Spiritual path as I do not know and I do not want to know, I just want to feel life , that person has little to lose in terms of belief, whereas the person who uses the intellect to dissect his Spiritual experience, that person has a lot to lose when confronted with the truth in whatever forms it chooses to manifest.
Therefore, the degree of misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin that revolve around this card is very subjective. The card is more likely to manifest when the individual allows the intellect to adulterate the Water of the Spirit, and the individuals who worship that adulterated version of the truth. It is the concentration of negativity that results from such symbiotic relationship that brings about the calamities of this card. It not in no way the work of the Divine.
On a mundane level
On a more mundane level the card can be read by analogy to the above. Again the common theme is that the misery is brought about as a result of misusing the intellect, or following the wrong crowd. In both case there would be a culminating point, then the sudden fall. It is important to note that the fall is sudden and unforeseen, It is this characteristic that reinforces the torment that accompanies the card.
The Tower tarot card meaning Reversed
When in reversed position, The Tower tarot card indicates some form excessive restriction of freedom. Think of people trapped in sects. They are no longer free to make informed decisions. The mind is trapped in an intellectual jail. Most likely by a sophist like figure, with a strong magnetic aura. Whether the card represent actual physical imprisonment is unwarranted. The notion of imprisonment here is more mental than physical.
Tyranny is another word associated with this card. Tyranny comes in many forms, it can be the abuse of material wealth or position of power to impose thy norms. It can represent a boss, a community leader, a priest, a guru, whoever in a position of power with a bigger than life ego, self delusion and the likes.
The Tower tarot card meaning – Summary
There is a notion of frenzy and culmination that comes with the card. This is a very important aspect as it indicates the type of energy that will trigger the fall or the abuse. The background of the card indicates that the negative impact is felt will full force. Often a result of its sudden and unforeseen characteristic. For a victim the card will represent being faced with the blunt truth, as a consequence of blind faith, the wake up to reality can be painful because of damage done to social life and professional life.
If in the future position, the card is a definitive Stop sign to whatever we are doing. Salvage what can be, and leave the rest immediately. Call it a day without hesitation. It is a strong warning, one not to be taken lightly. It foretells primarily that your belief system will fail you, with dire consequences to the material aspect of your life.
Present and past meaning
In present position the card needs little explanation as you will be surely feeling all its negative aspect overwhelmingly. In past position, you can satisfy yourself with the confirmation that you are out of an illusionary path. Bear in mind though, that the card primarily concerns the Intellect and how it can bring downfall of man.
The Tower tarot card – further meaning

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