The Star tarot card meaning
The Star tarot card meaning – Spiritual The card represents the Divine creative life force through which the unknowable Divine essence is revealed to mankind. It therefore entails transformation in order to receive the Divine essence. Secondly the card indicates that this essence is received through the feminine aspect of the individual, the passive force. Thereon, the individual return some to the source and the rest is used to bear fruits. This kind of remind me of the initiation received, where the Goddess directs you to give back part of the energy you just received to Mother Earth, the rest you will keep to use in bettering the life on Earth.
Spiritually speaking this card augurs a major Spiritual evolution. Part of what is received goes back to the source. In a certain way you are becoming a channel through for healing Gaia. The remaining energy can be put to different type of usage, be it healing, teaching, arts, creativity, anything that heightens human vibrations to higher level of consciousness. So what to do if you receive this card? The first thing to know is that you have one major purpose to achieve in this life, it will be something big that will outlive you. Your first task will be to identify what it is.
The star tarot card – higher meaning
In the very high sense the card indicates becoming one with the Earth. Remember, your body belongs to Gaia, you are made up of materials loaned to you by Mother Earth. Becoming a medium for healing is a blessing from the Divine. It is a major landmark in your soul’s evolution. Naturally, this comes at a cost, but that cost no longer bears importance when you have achieved that level of awareness.
Identifying your purpose
Identifying your purpose will take you through several potentials, rarely have I seen someone who identified their purpose first hand. However, everything you experience and learn will stand in good stead later in life. A calm stance is desirable whatever the situation at hand, upheavals or not, it is important to have faith and emphasise calmness and meditation. There are no specific time frame for reaching full potential, it is not the destination which is important here, the journey is. The only thing that is certain is that the feminine aspect should be favored during that phase. Do not take the feminine aspect (passive) as meaning weak or submissive, no that is not it. The passive force is actually more vibrant that the active force.
The Star tarot card Upright and Reversed meaning
The Star tarot card meaning upright
Looking at the Spiritual meaning of the card, the keywords attributed to the card, loss, theft, privation and abandonment, hope and bright prospect takes another twist. The different meanings will vary according to the position of the card in time. In past position it signifies having received Divine essence, this entails that the individual has left behind much of the old to realize this.
Int the present position the card will most likely reflect a time of your life where there is much upheavals. Many people are leaving and new are entering your life. You may be changing jobs very often, finding it difficult to stick in one place. The process is quite disruptive and can be confusing. Remember that you are already beginning to receive the water of life from the Spirit. The current unbalanced state of the passive and active force is the source of the disruptions as they are not balanced yet to yield that essence. It is by going through the process that the individual will arrive at the correct balance.
Int he future position, the card is asking you to look at the more subtle aspect of life. It is most likely that you have been feeling out of place all through your life. Seeing this card is a confirmation that there will be a major twist in your life. One that will bring you greater joy and happiness.
Star tarot card upright meaning – Summary
In any sense the card signifies a radical change, one that brings an individual closer to servicing others. It can be teaching others in your existing field or a new one, and it can go to becoming an Earth Healer.
The Star tarot card meaning reversed
When reversed the card shows resistance to change and failure to recognise the signs before you. Hence, it represent arrogance, haughtiness and their analogies. The stubbornness of the Ego in the face, refusing to leave the comfort zone, even though it never provided comfort, except for the one that are illusionary. The Star tarot card reversed also indicates impotence. It is the failure to be productive. Misusing resources to satisfy the ego, rather than pushing forward with change and renewal. Stuck in repetitive negative behaviors. Unable to let forth the passive force and indulge into the subtler aspects of life.
The Star tarot card – further meaning

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YV Angel .
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YV Angel
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