The Lovers tarot card meaning
Lovers tarot card meaning – Spiritual. The card represents the thrust needed to spark the manifestation of higher energies in humans. The closest that human gets to that energy is love. Children feels continuously in their early years. Whereas, adults feel it briefly when they are in the process of falling in love. It is the force that compels us to be the best version of ourselves. Makes us feel invincible and overcomes the deepest fear we may harbour.
This is the harmonious working of the feminine and masculine energy. That kind of union that is depicted here is one that allows the full expression of both the feminine and masculine energy between two individuals. Note that both energy are present in man and woman. And it needs to be balanced in both of them. Therefore, if you receive this card in relation to another person, you may be assured that you will reach new heights in whatever you do when being in a relationship with them, which will most likely mean marriage here.
Furthermore, the card indicates that this type of union is a blessed one, meaning that it has the benediction of the Higher Earthly and Celestial entities. Thus, this type of relationship lays the foundation for acquiring higher knowledge of life on this earth.
Upright and Reversed meaning
The Lovers tarot card meaning upright
The Lovers tarot card calls for no ambiguity, it is a card about human love. But there are several degrees of compatibility between individuals. It may surprise some of you, but around 53% of marriages in the world are arranged. In some countries it goes up to 90%. Unfortunately all the criteria that are set to assured a successful union are either fallacious or at the detriment of women. In any case it rarely allow for both of the individuals to reach their full potential in this life. This is what the card means upright, having a union that triggers the best in both partners.
I mentioned that the card favors a balanced masculine and feminine energy in both partners, whether it is a heterosexual relationship or not. As explained, both man and woman have masculine and feminine energies. Now, each individual has their own Karmic gift which will help them transcend to the next level of their Spiritual evolution. The Lovers tarot card shows a relationship that allows both individuals to fully exploit their Karmic gift. It does that by enabling the required balance between the feminine and masculine energy of both individuals.
The Lovers tarot card meaning reversed
If the Lovers upright indicates a perfect setup for the balanced expressions the ying and yang energy, the reversed Lover tarot card indicates the opposite. Here, there is a factor that inhibits the equilibrium necessary between the energies for the individual to achieve his or her highest potential. I have often witnessed this particular occurrence when one of the partners have been tricked or manipulated to enter the relationship. Very often magick is used, this is the strongest inhibiting factor.
It does not mean that the individual who has been deceived will not be successful is life, far from that. What it entails is that they will not be able to reach their full potential. It is often the case where they will have an addiction of some kind, alcohol being the most common. And very often too, the addiction disappear, as if miraculously, when they manage to get out of the relationship.
Therefore contrarieties, frustrations, and their analogies are recurrent theme in such union. When you see the lover tarot card reversed, it is an indication that you are on a path that will lay waste all the Karmic energies that put you in this present life. This can manifest in feeling of continuous confusion in future life, the inability to make choices, identity crisis. It can result in long period of transit in between rebirth. The reason is due to the unknowing accumulation of negative energies throughout this lifetime. These individuals tend to have a short life too.
The Lovers tarot card meaning – Summary
Do not take the Lovers card upright to mean love at first sight. Instead, it is a strong attraction, very powerful. You will most likely question yourself, why you are so irresistibly attracted to that person. Do not either think that the relationship will be a smooth one, it can be one which is full of obstacles. But as you progress through the relationship you will notice two things. The first one is that cycles of learning are very quick, you will rarely stay long in a place or job that does not favor your Spiritual advancement. Secondly, doors seems to miraculously open for you each time you suffer an upheaval. This is all due to the blessings that are inherent to these relationships. The road to true happiness is not a smooth one.
The reversed meaning is a sad one really, because you are not aware that you are being played. In doing reading for individual, i have seen the Lovers upright on rare occasions, whereas the Lovers reversed is a frequent theme. And each time the Lovers reversed will manifest along other cards indicating trickery, use of occult and the likes to entice someone. However, once the enticed individual takes awareness of the reality of the situation, to get out is very easy. The most difficult part is raising the awareness.
The Lovers tarot card further meaning
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