Judgement tarot card meaning
Judgement tarot card – Spiritual. The card depicts the resurrection of the Triad, in the form of father, mother and child. The father and mother represents opposite forces, and the child represent equilibrium. The author points to the fact that there are more than one triad, which may point to the emergence of a current in the Earth’s aura which awakens specific awareness in certain individuals around the world at a particular time.
Notice that the tombs are floating on water. Water symbolises consciousness. Thus, the card may signify an awakening of the consciousness in response to a Divine current. Many such current have been prophesied , but the manifestations of same for the last 6000 years or so were quickly adulterated to serve man’s purpose.
Take this simple example, the astrological transit Chiron Trine Neptune influences people in the same age group to explore the spiritual and intuitive side of their nature. You can bet you last dime that this astrological placement is being used in marketing strategies to target a particular age group with specific products. This adulteration of the current for material gain causes an imbalance. Thus, for many the energy is loss or wasted in unnecessary sophistication.
Why the denomination of Judgement?
Where does the idea of Judgement transpires in all this? Well Judgement is: the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions; a misfortune or calamity viewed as a divine punishment; an opinion or conclusion, a decision of a law court or judge (all definitions taken form Oxford dictionary). Well Judgement here is a conclusion. A point has been reached where a decision has to be taken, wake up or continue to sleep it off.
Upright and Reversed meaning
Judgement tarot card meaning upright
The meaning of the card upright is renewal, transformation, and their analogies. Expect to see Judgement tarot card in period of transition linked to Karmic influenced. It is very much likely that you were procrastinating and feeling a void in your life until unexpected synchronicities forces you out of your comfort zone. Should you survive these upheavals, you are very much likely to get this card in a reading. This would indicate that soon you will make new connections and affiliations, with a renewed vigor about life and a new sense of purpose.
A major arcana card is representative of important landmarks in the life of an individual. Judgement card intimates new awareness, new found self. Therefore, expect people to leave and enter your life. Most likely you will reassess your close relationships, how they are contributing to your well being. You could be pondering questions like are we still compatible? A good advice when receiving this car is to check the transits of and to your natal Pluto. It should provide some indication on which area of your life is concerned. But as I intimated above, it is most likely your intimate relationships and/ or social base that will be affected.
Judgement tarot card other upright meaning
The idea that the card may relate to an actual judgement of a law of court does not sit well with me. If taken in the specific context of a question relating to a lawsuit, as an outcome it could indicate that your life, as it is, will be transformed, whether you experience material loss is not the questions here, if this is the case then the loss is most welcome because it will trigger the transformation you need. Look beyond the illusion, and see the underlying Divine order.
Judgement tarot card meaning reversed
When reversed, Judgement tarot card indicates that you lack the courage to accept the truth that has been revealed to you. You dare not walk through that door, resisting change, and refusing to leave your comfort zone. Even when the latter no longer brings comfort. Even after experiencing all the signs and synchronicities, you lacked the resilience to take the appropriate actions. Thus you remain in a checked position (as in chess game). Hence, when you remain in that position, the transformation and/ or renewal makes place for a definite sentence, which takes the form of boredom, complacence and their analogies.
See, there are two possibilities, accept and move forward towards the new, or resist and suffer the fatality that ensues. Most individual chose to be complacent in those cases, it has very much to do with the age at which these events occur. You have certainly heard about middle life crisis and the likes of it. Not all individuals experience these crisis to the same degree. The reason for that is explained by the degree of comfort the individual enjoys. The more comfortable individual will experience the crisis to a higher degree, whereas the less comfortable individual will experience it to a lesser degree simply because he is busy surviving. Of course this is a general trend to which there are exceptions.
Judgement tarot card reversed in one sentence
In one sentence the Judgement tarot card reversed can be interpreted as remaining in a state of denial and inviting a definite conclusion in place of a renewal.
Judgement tarot card – further meaning
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YV Angel .
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