
Justice tarot card in Work and Business

Justice tarot card Rider Waite

Justice tarot card in work and business

Justice tarot card in work and business upright is about fairness
and reversed it indicates the opposite. The card upright is tricky to interpret because it does not mean fairness according to a subjective or objective human standards. It entails fairness as in the Spiritual law of the Universe. Therefore, unless you are initiated or seeking initiation into the Spiritual laws, the interpretation of this card will be flawed.

Justice tarot card in work and business reversed attributes though, refer to the law of Man. Thus, here you need to be realistic about the law of Man. It is biased, filled with imperfections, inaccessible to the majority. The Bleak House by Charles Dickens is an excellent representation of this.

Justice tarot card in Work and Business Upright. Work or Business issues are likely to benefit from favorable conditions in respect of dealings of all kinds. Be it meritocracy, successfully bidding for a contract, etc. The Universe is at play here. If you are on the righteous side, there will be benefits coming to you. However, whether you are on the righteous side or not is a different story. Therefore, do not interpret this card as favorable until you get proper confirmation from genuine Seekers like us at YV Angels.

Justice tarot card in Work and Business Reversed Now the message is pretty clear here, expect the law of Man to serve its rightful master. It may be you, if you are that kind of an individual. If you are not, it is better to apply damage control. Either look for another job or play by their rules. If in business, the same advice applies, leave that particular niche, or play by their rules.

Justice tarot card – Keywords

Justice tarot card upright meaning: Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the deserving side in law.

Justice tarot card reversed meaning: Law in all its departments, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.

Major Arcana cards portends major events in an individual’s life. Hence, one must pay extra attention when they pop up. A career heavily influences the self esteem of an individual. Other social factors are heavily dependent on a successful career. Parts of your life may be in a rut, however, a good career path can counterbalance than fact. Therefore, a Major Arcana card in a career spread prevails other any other cards in that spread.

Justice tarot card in work and business – Further meaning

Justice tarot card and career Upright. See, the simplest way to find out whether you are of the righteous type or not is to ask yourself if you have ever done something gratuitously to someone else, which you would not want another to do to you. If the answer is yes, then most likely you will experience meritocracy in your job, and favorable conditions for your business dealings.Get Psychic help to interpret Justice tarot card in Work and Business.

Justice tarot card and career Reversed. In this position the card favors attributes like coercion, bullying, leverage of high finances, biased office politics, biased political intervention. It also means rebutting novel ideas, new management system, innovative ways of doing business. Now is the time to keep your light under a bushel, or you will face merciless alienation.Do you need expert interpretation?

Summary – Justice tarot card in work an business

Justice tarot card and career shed lights on whether the outcome of the situation lies in the hand of Man, or The Divine law is at play. Whichever of these scenarios might of might not be beneficial to you as it depends on your personal attributes. If you play strictly by the law of Man, then the reversed position is favorable for you. If you go by the Divine law, then the upright position is favorable to you. Therefore when you get the Justice tarot in career issues, or whatever issues actually, fist ascertain your true colors vis-à-vis the card.
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YV Angel

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