The Chariot tarot card meaning and Health interpretation. In a question about health topic, there are three dimensions; Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. Therefore, these three perspectives are used as a framework to interpret the meaning of the card. More so, when a Major Arcana card is concerned, the imbalance, will most likely be in the third category. The tarot will not tell the exact ailment, you MUST consult a doctor, but it will indicate what kind of energy is at play here.
The Upper Arcana provides important information for your spiritual growth. In a lifetime you experience several cycles of growth. A Major Arcana card in a question on health indicates that health issues has an important impact on the current cycle. However, you must interpret the card in respect of other cards in the spread. Whether positive of negative, the card must be interpreted carefully. Remember, success may even come in the form of failure when it means getting you closer to your true purpose.
Chariot and general health
Chariot tarot and health issues. What is healthy and what is not is a highly subjective topic. The Chariot card illustrates a battle to unveil the truth for oneself, and using it to its full potential for a specific task, to be the best in class. Whether it is at work, school, business, career..etc, the task is approached in a competitive manner. The Chariot is about highest success when upright and severe setback when reverse. It is about self assurance and control. However there is something to be conquered for the Chariot.
The Chariot tarot card and health Upright. A good card here. Indicates transformation and control over the subject matter. It is not the end of learning though, it is more the readiness to enter into a different aspect of health meaning.
The Chariot tarot card and health Reversed.Apart from the obvious meaning of defeat, it indicates a failure to correctly assess what the body needs. It is not poor health, but health will degenerate quickly. This originates from common misconceptions, lack of perspective and framework. Often a result of over reliance on one source of information and laziness to develop self knowledge.
The Chariot tarot card and physical health
With regards to physical health, upright indicates solid health, the kind of health needed to carry on enormous tasks. Reversed indicates that the physical condition is not suited to the task as hand, and will be the cause of failure.
The Chariot tarot card in respect of mental health
Addresses our capacity to see the truth around us. Upright will be well grounded, whereas reversed indicates a tendency to be easily fooled and convinced by others, having no solid foundation for one’s belief or morals.
The Chariot tarot card and Spirituality
The Chariot inherently lacks certain aptitudes to have a Spiritual perspective. So either upright of reversed it indicates turning points. Upright is readiness to address Spiritual health. Reversed is the opposite.
Other Chariot tarot card meaning
The Chariot tarot card and
Work and Business
Symbols Interpretation and Key Words
Psychic Insight – Past & Future Interpretation

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YV Angel
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