The Chariot tarot card and love brings in the energies surrounding war situations. It means that whatever the outcome, there will be joy on one side and bitterness on the other. Hence, the relationship will need constant protection.
Are you competing for the love of someone, or do you regard your loved one as a prize? The Chariot tarot card upright is a card of conquest. When it shows up in a reading about love, The Chariot tarot card is indicative of some kind of battle. Besides its success connotation, it also carries the essence of trouble and vengeance. Therefore, although you will most likely succeed in your endeavor, there will nonetheless be negative energies lurking around the relationship.
The Chariot tarot card and love reversed is a bad omen. As the keywords suggest, not only is the relationship doomed, it will go through a period of great tension. Therefore, better cut the losses here, and call it a day.
The Chariot tarot card Keywords Upright and Reversed
Upright. Succour, providence also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble.
Reversed. Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.
The Chariot tarot card and love further meaning
Major Arcana cards portends major events in an individual’s life. Hence, one must pay extra attention when they pop up. Love relationships play an important role in defining our social standing. Therefore, with who we are will influence our direction in life here.
In a question about love, many aspects of a relationship is under scrutiny. Hence, the fogginess surrounding the interpretation of the tarot cards in that instance.
Therefore, we categorised the interpretation of the tarot cards in five distinct groups.
- Already in a relationship but from an individual point of view.
- From a couple’s perspective.
- In respect of a potential relationship.
- Friendship
- Sexual Compatibility
Thus, the querent will have a better understanding of the essence of a relationship. For clarity on meaning love, read our article on Love and Love Relationships and Tarot.
Already in a relationship from an individual point of view.
Upright. A lot of energy is expended to make the relationship work. Furthermore, the effort is one-sided.
Reversed. Get out of the relationship as it augurs severe setbacks.
Chariot tarot card and from a couple’s perspective.
Upright. Success over all the mundane aspect of the relationship. Here we have a couple that will enjoy fame, besides attracting jealousy and envy. This can indicate a sophisticated relationship, one based on achieving a certain purpose. Beware of hypocrites and hidden enemies.
Reversed. Unproductive and Disruptive relationship. Hence constant quarelling and disputes.
Chariot tarot love meaning In respect of a potential relationship.
Upright. A lot of energy and effort will be needed to make this work. You must ask yourself if it will be worth it at the end of the day. Although being a Major Arcana card, it suggest that you should go for it.
Reversed. This relationship is not worth the effort. It will be trivial and severely disruptive to your life. Therefore one to be avoided at all cost.
Chariot tarot card and Friendship
Upright. This is a friend worth fighting for. He or she plays an important role in your life. Furthermore, you are likely to discover some truths about yourself and others around you. This will have a profound impact on your life.
Reversed. You will most likely alienate your true friends with that one friend.
Chariot tarot card and Sexual Compatibility
Chariot tarot card and sex Upright. Again, the Chariot tarot card indicates that one party will make much effort to make this enjoyable. Although it may seems unfair at times, it does have some important karmic aspect here.
Chariot tarot card and sex Reversed. Incompatible, this relationship comes with loss of social status, ill repute.
Other Chariot tarot card meaning
The Chariot tarot card and
Work and Business
Symbols Interpretation and Key Words
Psychic Insight – Past & Future Interpretation

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Peace and Love.
YV Angel
We wish you a happy journey and hope to bring loving light and insights into your life.
Peace be with you and lots of love.
YV Angel
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