Here we are again on the subject of religion. If you go through our first article on religion you would have understood that the subject matter is something very personal, one which is best kept to oneself. But several people have asked us to delve a little in the subject, so that’s what we will do here, only delve a little, because for us religion (in its current form) is not a prerequisite to spiritual evolution.
Mother Nature was our first religion to us all, that was the time when our interactions with Gaia was very intimate. Women were the first priestesses, (there were no priest – men, by its nature, did not indulged in dealing with the spirit world). How did all this evolved to the religions we know today is a question of power struggle and control. There are really two events that adulterated the true purpose of religion, the first one being the takeover of the priesthood role by men, and the second is the takeover of religion by politicians (be it kings, emperors, pharaohs etc etc) to nowadays politicians.
When women started interacting with the spirit world they gained knowledge and information, they learned the ways of Nature and how to manipulate the elements (what you would call witchcraft today). They learned the ways of nature and how to exploit it for their survival, how to live in harmony with the spirit world and gain esoteric knowledge. Naturally, that was not well digested by men, who promptly at first use their physical superiority to curb women to their will, because try as much as they would, it was difficult for them to be in phase with the spirit world, until they learned how to use drugs to access other realms. That was the first fall for women.
Now this new knowledge which gave precise information for survival and healing opened a door for domination over one’s peers, thus the cast of priest emerged, man of great power who whispered in the ears of kings and the like. It is pretty much the same today, it is just dome behind closed doors. Unfortunately, men did not profit from this move, you cannot force nature to reveal itself to you, although some men did possess enough feminine energy to consecrate their life in dealing with the spirit world, but the like of these tended to retreat from society and live a hermit life. The others were left with an unrefined knowledge, think about it, if the men of god were actually effective in their arts, why would so many civilisations have crumbled over and over again; it is not that the art is defective, it is the individual who was not cut out for the job. Nowadays, men displays more feminine attributes, but in those days men were very masculine in nature, which did not match the necessary aptitudes to interact with Gaia, the spirit world, and other realms.
So slowly overtime religion over the world evolved in three distinct types – Polytheism, Monotheism, and ditheism. But do not be fooled, behind closed doors, occult practice is very much alive, at the highest spheres of society and politics. But that is not our concern here, our concern is “where do i place my faith?”.
You see, in all part of the world religion is mixed with traditions. Do not feel that you have to cut off completely from what is practiced in your culture of family. Always honor the rites that has been done in your family, that is very important because it concerns your Ancestors. For the rest, as we advised in the first article, keep it simple, develop an intimate relation with the God you pray to, ask for light and guidance, the rest will be automatic. If you do it properly, you will gain spiritual knowledge and guidance of your own, the trick is that you should not feel superior – whether there is one God or Many Gods, feeling superior about your faith is not compatible with spiritual truths, simply because superiority drags you down the animal kingdom, lower energies etc, you will definitely gain special skills if you meditate, but the stance you adopt during communion with God(s) is what triggers or hampers the communication of spiritual knowledge. Special skills is not Spiritual Knowledge, this is how many Gurus today have created so many sects around the world and turn human into lambs and zombies. Do not equate special skills with Spirituality, you could not be more wrong. When we talk about special skills, it can be healing, prayers, divination, magick, witchcraft etc.
The source of happiness is fulfilling one’s destiny, whatever that may entail. See, every individual is a spiritual being having a human experience. We have loss our spirituality in favor of consumerism, power, control. Money does not bring happiness, nor does a position of power; you will only be constantly wary of protecting your position and possession. Success, as it is defined in today’s society, entails a constant stress in maintaining our standard of living according to social and moral norms which are geared by consumerism and harsh competition. To find happiness, you must first obtain clear guidance of your current state of spiritual evolution, and you cannot do this if you are trapped in social and moral norms. The first step is to distance yourself from mainstream mass beliefs and practice. Then only three things are important to begin the journey, they are: Communion with God in its most simple form of your personal faith, honouring your Ancestors (the way it is done in your culture), and meditating in complete humbleness with the Universe and Gaia. These are the prerequisite to start the journey to happiness and harmony. Then you will see that the knowledge that you need for your journey will be imparted to you, either by the development of special skills or by strong intuitive guidance. What is to be avoided at all costs is the feeling of superiority or that your God is the true God, or whatever.
Religion have long parted itself from spirituality. At the beginning there were no religion, there was knowledge of how to live in harmony with Gaia and the Universe, Gods and Goddesses were but one entity whose energy were balanced as per the requirements of the context of a particular situation. Goddesses prevailed naturally because the feminine energy has a greater role in fecundity, it takes a few minutes for the male to inseminate the female, but the gestation period of the offspring takes months, this is why the female deities are the most prominent in earlier faiths.
When you come to think of it, what is the need for having a religion (or how does it help you in achieving happiness), what purpose does it serve today? Once you come to understand that true happiness is feeling contented, and that contentment only comes from obtaining a spiritual understanding according to your current level of spiritual evolution, the rest is just cultural dressing. Live your truth in harmony with your environment and its social and moral norms, but be impervious to mass belief and exigency; do it subtly by not imposing or letting your awareness transpire on your environment, except for people who are at the same spiritual level as you are. If you can understand this, then you are on your way to be leading a very fulfilling life.
I want to close this article on a subject that is becoming very popular these days. There are so many theories being put forward today which purport to give realistic information about ancient civilisation, God(s), aliens etc. To delve into these subjects will only serve to confuse and distract you. What does it matter whether history as we know it is false, how does it affect me in the now, how does it help me to move forward? What does it matter that there are aliens on the moon or that God is an alien? What does it matter what is the real purpose of the Great Pyramid? What use is that knowledge to me? What i can tell you is that if you are at a certain level of spiritual evolution you will find the answer to these questions, you will visit the pyramid and many other places, you will find people who are at the same level of evolution as you are because you have access to the same realms; but it is useless to delve in these matters so long as it requires you to believe blindly (or based on photographs, academics extrapolations, mathematical illustrations etc etc). What matters is that you have the capacity NOW, to access your essence and the essence of the Universe in a simple manner – getting rid of the clutters.
So our advice to you; enjoy your culture, enjoy your religion but replace your belief with actual interaction with the Universe and Gaia through meditation, communion and detachment from social and moral norms. You will see so many entities and truth will be revealed to you. One last word about Ancestors, when you honor your Ancestors, remember Gaia, She is our first Ancestor.
Thank you for taking time to read this article and we hope it brings light into your life.
Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.