
Who needs Divination?

Why is it that so many people today feel compel to seek solace in some form of healing or spiritual practice to life rather than finding it in their native faith.

If you think that the divination arts are consulted only by people having mundane problem you cannot be more wrong. If you see the client list of some psychics and tarot practitioners you would be dumbfounded. One thing i can tell you is that it is intensively used in politicians and businessmen. But of course no one will admit to it, even you the reader you will not tell your entourage that you once consulted an oracle and found peace through their guidance.

But who really needs it?

We can categorized people into three groups:-

  • Those who are fully integrated in the sytem
  • Those who run the system
  • Those who (for some unknown reason) cannot seem to fit in the system, although having done everything by the norms
  • Those who carry heavy karmic debts and karmic lessons

The first two categories of people will have recourse to divination for material and relational aspects of their lives. Increase abundance, happiness, success, happy family life etc etc.

There is nothing wrong with that situation in itself, we do live in a very competitive world. This is the social and moral norms of this era. Most of the problems faced by category one and two will be related to mundane affairs, energy blockage, anxiety, stress, black magic, strong negative energies like envy and jealousy, love and other things along the same line. The problems encountered by category one and two people are easily dealt with by genuine and experienced Psychic/Healer/Life Coach. The category one and two people are at a fix level of spirituality in this current life, there is no progress or regress for them in this current life.

The real challenge is to deal with the category three and four people. These person, for some reason are not able to lead a life according to the social and moral norms around them. The soul of these people are at an evolutionary point where they are about to make a transition from one level of spirituality to another. A note of warning here, these people will attract or have around them very high energies and it is current practice among many so call Gurus today to syphon that energy for their own gain.

The challenge in dealing with such cases is that the problem is threefold:-

  • Get them to accept that social and moral norms does not apply to them, as in they cannot have the same expectancy as category one and two people
  • Teach them the spiritual truths of matters pertaining to their specific individual situation
  • Getting them to integrate the solution given to them in concordance to their immediate environment to cause minimal disruption in their social and professional life

The difficulty also lies in the fact that very often the failure to successfully accomplish the threefold task leads to a regression in spirituality. The buddhist system in that respect is quite effective as it prevent regression of the soul, so whatever you have acquired is maintained, but for this one must have practiced a life as a buddhist in one of her/his previous life. It can be deduced from the tarot readings, if you know how to ask the proper line of questions.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance for such individuals to approach their transition with due diligence and care. One thing to avoid is the unnecessary sophistication of the unmanifest world and quest for special skills. if you are to see the unmanifest, you will see it by yourself, there is no need for attunement from anyone. As for special skills, they are just by-product of the evolution of the soul, it should not be sought for, nor should it be valorised. The reason is simple, your Ego will devour you inside out once you start flaunting your special skills.

I’ll take your leave now and hope you enjoy the reading.

Bye for now
Lots of love
Peace to all of you.

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