Right and Wrong
Hello dear friends, our notion of R&W (right and wrong) is a primal factor which has consequent effect on our progress towards the spiritual truths.
R&W is a tricky subject to address. Let us analyse it by breaking it up into its different layers and separate the wheat from the chaff. In our article Avoiding negative emotion altogether we mentioned moral and social norms and how we should detach from them in order to progress. The detachment though is not something which is easily achievable because these norms are the foundation of who we are and they provide us with a sense of security and safety. But one fact remain, who amongst us did not at one point in time acted in divergence to these norms to follow one’s emotional urge? In fact we all did. It is just that the degree of the divergence varies subjectively.
Ok, so we have the following categories:
- The law of the land
- The norms, or in some place laws, of the geographical area where we reside
- Customs and taboos
- Tribal laws
- Religions laws
- Moral and social norms based on our standard of living
- Each individual’s subjective propensity to diverge from the above norms and laws
And this list can go on and on into more sub-categories.
The notion of right and wrong is defined by the need of reaching a consensus to regulate human behaviour for the betterment of something larger than us, a society, a country, a race etc etc. And that all of us, at one point in time, justified diverging from it for personal betterment, it can range from jumping the queue to mass genocide. The notion of R&W is subjective. Depending on our propensity to take risk, we all shape it to a certain degree everyday. The propensity to take risk is influenced by what lies in our subconscious mind. On a spiritual journey we deal firstly with the subconscious mind. I would like to introduce something here,
the subconscious mind is to be treated as a child, you cannot reason with it
So, what is R&W for someone engaged on the spiritual path and seeking spiritual truth? You see, so long as you are living through this flesh, you have to abide to all the norms and laws we mentioned above and you are going to shape it to suit your own agenda from time to time. These notions of R&W are of no consequence on the spiritual realm, but they are on the manifest side, so as long as you are here, you abide to them. This is pretty straight forward.
But what is important for you to change is the process by which the shaping of your own perception of R&W is done. It should not be your subconscious mind influencing it, but rather your higher self. How is this achieved? Ask yourself the following questions before making any attempt to diverge from the law of the land and the likes of it.
- Am i affecting someone directly, other than me, in a positive way
- Am i affecting someone directly in a negative way
Positive and negative as defined by the laws of the land and the likes
If the answer is NO, then proceed to ask yourself the following:
- Am i affecting my environment negatively
Again if the answer is NO, then affirm the following:
To Mother Earth Gaea, To all Gods and Goddesses, to the Elements, to the Elementals, Fairies, Angels and the likes, Our Ancestors, and to all those of whom i am not aware, i am ignorant, please enlighten me, i ask for forgiveness and guidance if my actions on the manifest is of consequence in the unmanifest
Then follow your path with peace of mind and tranquility.
Some may say that we have just added another form of subjectivity into the lot. Well that is true, although this time we are not influenced by our subconscious mind which is moulded by the manifest, instead we are establishing a clear connection with our Higher Self, which embodies a higher form of wisdom. From thereon we progress into tapping the collective consciousness commonly referred as the Akasha, but that is a different story to be discovered by yourself and kept to yourself.
Therefore, on your spiritual journey, respect the laws which regulates your manifest the same way everybody else does, that is subjectively, the only difference is when you feel the need to diverge from it, use your Higher Self as a guide instead of letting the subconscious mind dictate your action. To do this refer to the methodology in the article Avoiding negative emotion
The hypocrisy of today’s world is that everyone of us portrays themselves as law abiding citizen in their own subjective perception, well jumping the queue is not different than mass genocide, it’s simply that you have not been conditioned for it, this does not mean you are not capable of it. Remember your subconscious mind will always have you express your emotions and urges in the first three chakras, the same emotions and urges have a different impact on your progress along the spiritual path when it is expressed through the Heart chakra. This is your objective as a Spiritual Seeker.
This is very important to understand, until you are capable of expressing your basic instinct through your Heart chakra, everything is expressed in the first three chakras, if you are not capable yet of doing so, you must develop a manner of transmuting the setbacks this causes on your spiritual growth; any kind of prayer, if done with sincerity and a pure heart, will do. It is not alarming, it only forms part of your growth. Do you think the Lion has any kind of feeling when killing a prey, we may say that it’s an animal, well so are we dear friends, as long as our subconscious mind dictates our behaviour, we are but animals. And be aware that contrary to popular belief, your prayers lose their ability to transmute if used too often, and it has nothing to do with the Gods and Goddesses not willing to forgive…..just imagine applying tippex ten time over the same word in the same page. If you find yourself repeatedly having to transmute the energies accumulated in the base chakras, then you are on another path, one of subjugation to primitive and basic instinct. Forgiveness does not exist on a Spiritual level, prayers are not meant for forgiveness, they are meant for cleansing of the chakras.
See, the Spiritual Laws are not capable of being adulterated, for they untouched by the manifest. Prayers are a mean to break free from the mishaps caused by the frailty of the flesh, it does so by acting as a mechanism for getting the relevant energies necessary for transmutation. But it becomes useless if used as tippex.
Good day to all of you.